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ALFALIT-LIBERIA In Dire Need For Financial Assistance -Acting Director Seeks Aid…
By Alex Yomah A Faith-based organization dubbed 'Alfalit-Liberia' is at the verge of discontinuing the adult literacy program due to the lack of sponsor as of 2020. Authorities have!-->…
“We Can Build Liberia Through The Church” -Says USA-FCLF Delegation
Visiting missionaries of the First Church of Love and Faith in Liberia have disclosed that the church has all opportunities invest into spiritual and the physical building of the Liberian!-->…
Prayer Band Pastor “Chops” …US$ 20,000, Jewelries For US Visa
Six Liberian women who have allegedly fallen prey to a prayer band pastor's scheme have accused him of extorting money and other valuables worth thousands of United States in the name of!-->…
Father Henry Jackson Honored Laity of The Year …As Methodist Church Observes Annual…
By Webster Borbor The Monrovia Board of Laity of the United Methodist Church in Liberia on Sunday, October 27, honored Father Henry Jackson as the Laity of the year 2019-2020 at the E.!-->…
Lutheran Church Supports War Crimes Court
By Bill W. Cooper As the public outcries for the establishment of the War and Economic Crimes Court continue to intensify, the Bishop of the Lutheran Church, Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Jensen!-->!-->!-->…
Catholic Bishops Reject Bishop Donyen’s Claim
The attention of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) has been drawn to the existence of the Independent Catholic Church of Liberia which is under the leadership of Bishop!-->…
How Did Jesus View Politics?
THE Gospel writers describe several events in Jesus' ministry that brought him face-to-face with politics. For instance, shortly after Jesus' baptism at about the age of 30, the Devil!-->…
Muslims Raise Issues With Protocol At July 26 Celebration
Liberian Muslims have threatened to boycott all national events if government refuses to allow Liberian Muslims to perform benediction exercise at national events in Liberia.The Liberian!-->…
Churches Call For Restraint, Condemns Violence
By Alex Yomah The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has called on political actors, including supporters to remain calm- cautioning everyone to allow the National Elections Commission to!-->…
How to Say No
THE CHALLENGE Your child simply will not take no for an answer. Whenever you say the word, his * unruly response tests your patience to the limit. Nothing you do or say calms him, and!-->…