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Aspirant Tandanpolie Eulogizes The Fallen Rep. Youngblood

A female advocate and an aspirant in the ensuing December 8, Senatorial Election, Siah J. Tandanpolie, has referred to the passing of Montserrado County District 9, Representative,
Munah Pelham Youngblood as untimely.
Mourning the late Rep. Pelham-Youngblood whom she described as a strong voice that represented the underprivileged, including women who died in Accra, Ghana, following a protracted period of illness, Madam Tandanpolie, a former Representative contestant, in District 11, Montserrado County expressed her great admiration and recounted how the deceased was passionate, result-oriented, and devoted her life to the emancipation of the ordinary people in Liberia.
She mentioned that the late Youngblood was a great floor fighter and someone who championed women’s rights and girls’ empowerment.
Madam Tandanpolie indicated that the country will forever miss the unwavering lawmaker amidst scarce chance for women’s political participation and the continuous death of female Lawmakers in Montserrado County
The Montserrado County female aspirant indicated that there are many socioeconomic ills that continue to underpin women’s growth, emancipation and political empowerment in the country.
She pointed out that there is an urgent need to have a gender-balance in the political representation of the National Legislature.
Madam Tandanpolie averred that the loss of two Senators and one female Representative in Montserrado County has created a huge vault that should be filled by a female Senatorial aspirant.
She indicated that females are not given equal political opportunities to harness their potentials and contribute to the growth and development of Liberia.
The Advocate mentioned that women’s political participation adds concrete value to the strength of any emerging democracy and as such, the December 8, 2020, Senatorial Election should give women such unique opportunity.
The former female Representative Aspirant in Montserrado County indicated that Montserrado County has been producing female Senators to represent the aspirations and wishes of the constituents in Montserrado County.
She mentioned that it is about time for the women voices and political participation be given serious consideration if Liberia must remain an oasis for gender participation.
Madam Tandanpolie is the daughter of the late District 11
Representative, Moses Saah Tandanpolie, who ably represented his people until his demise.
The late Rep. Tandanpolie was a daring voice and great advocate against socioeconomic and political injustices in the country.
He represented the former District 9 and 11 in the 52nd and 53rd Legislature with strong legacies being left in the District.

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