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Liberia Forest Media Practitioners Discuss Challenges In Environmental Reporting


Over the weekend, media practitioners dedicated to investigating and reporting on Liberia’s forests and environmental issues gathered for a day-long forum to examine the sector’s challenges and successes.
The event, organized by the Liberia Forest Media Watch (LFMW), brought together members from various media institutions, civil society actors, and government officials with responsibilities in the forestry and natural resources sectors.
The forum centered on the unique challenges faced by forest-focused journalists in reporting environmental issues from rural Liberia.
Participants discussed the need for effective advocacy to ensure that key findings from the field receive attention and prompt action from stakeholders.
A major focus was placed on the importance of preserving the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between Liberia and the European Union (EU), which has been instrumental in promoting sustainable forest management practices.
One of the highlights of the event was a presentation from the Liberia Forest Media Watch, the organization behind the popular Forest Hour radio talk show.
The group discussed its collaboration with the media to raise awareness about the VPA and its successes through the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) program.
Paul M. Kanneh, the founder and team leader of the Liberia Forest Media Watch, shared the group’s recent achievements, noting that over 20 evidence-based stories have been published this quarter alone.
Their work has garnered the attention of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and other key institutions.
Kanneh praised the local media, particularly journalists based in rural Liberia, for their support and dedication to publishing articles that cover forest-related developments.
He emphasized the group’s ongoing commitment to empowering local communities by raising awareness on the impact of mining, logging, and other activities on Liberia’s forests.
“Through the VPA, we have been able to build the capacity of many young people across Liberia, encouraging them to advocate for forest sustainability and to educate their communities about the benefits of responsible natural resource management,” Kanneh said.
Despite the significant progress made by the Liberia Forest Media Watch, Kanneh expressed concerns about the

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