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Dillon Wants 3rd Lane Traffic Law Repealed

Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon has stressed the need for the new traffic law granting some top officials of government to use the opposite lane which has now been referred to as the “third lane” during traffic congestion to be repealed, stating that said law is not in the interest of Liberians.
As it seem, none of the roads in Liberia have been upgraded to having third lanes therefore many people are beginning to realize that the new traffic law is a violation of the opposite lane which even obstructs traffic more and is dangerous to pedestrians.
Members of the 53rd Legislatures clandestinely passed a law during the regime of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf granting members of the Legislature, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, the AFL, the LNP and some Ministers of government to use the third lane during traffic congestion while enroute or coming from work.
Meanwhile, in his reaction to his colleague’s decision during the CPP’s turning over ceremony, Sen. Dillon disclosed that he will summit a Bill to the Liberian Senate urging his colleagues to repeal that new traffic law for the benefit of the citizenry.
The Montserrado County Senator also observed that Liberia does not have third lane roads so he admits that granting such a privilege to state officials and others does not make any sense.
He added, “I hold strongly that this new Law is bad; it is against the public good and against public safety. We will be reviewing this latest law to make sense of it, and where necessary, submit a draft Act to assess, adjust and or repeal the same.”

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