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New Revelation On Charles Sirleaf’s Money Issue
The news over the mysterious disappearance of US$ 866, 580.00 and some L$10Million from the GT Bank's accounts of a single client remains one of the staggering mysteries in the banking!-->…
Judge Grants Tolbert Nyenswah Liberty TO Return Home
The Judge of the Criminal Court 'C' Yamie Gbeisay has declared the Former Direct General of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) Tolbert Nyenswah free to liberty to!-->…
Heated Argument To Revoke ‘Fraudulent’ Will
A heated argument ensued at the Probate Court on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 between lawyers representing relatives on each side in defense of their argument to revoke a letter of!-->…
Judge Blasts Gov’t’s Legal Team In CBL-Weeks Trial … Grants One Week…
The Criminal Court 'C' at the Temple of Justice, hearing the case involving the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) former Governor Milton Weeks, has granted prosecution's motion for continuance!-->…
Twist In Alleged Fraudulent Land Deed At Probate Court
A twist has emerged in an alleged fraudulent land deed that is currently on trial at the Monthly and Probate Court at the Temple of Justice but the complainants have file a new Bill of!-->…
Liberian Actress Sues Two Comedians For Alleged Damages
A photo believed to be both defendants from their Facebook page, a Liberian Actress residing abroad has filed a lawsuit at the Sixth Judicial Circuit Civil Law Court of Montserrado against!-->…
Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) Press Statement On Law Day 2020 (Monrovia,…
This year, the Liberian National Bar Association was unable to celebrate Law Day by holding the traditional indoor and outdoor programs in commemoration of Law Day because of the Corona!-->…
Bar Wants To Be Party Respondent In Nwadudike – GoL Case
By Grace Q. Bryant The umbrella arm of every lawyer practicing law with the border of the Republic of Liberia, the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA), is seeking the court's blessing!-->…
Court Denies Yekeh’s Motion To Rescind
By Grace Q. Bryant Criminal Court 'A' Judge, Roosevelt Willie, on yesterday denied a Motion to Rescind in the ongoing case involving Montserrado County District #10 lawmaker Yekeh Kolubah!-->…
Nwabudike Defends Liberian Citizenship
By Grace Q. Bryant The ousted Chairperson of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Cllr. Ndubusi Nwabudike, has filed a petition for Declaratory Judgment at the Civil Law in!-->…