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To Replace Teahjay In Sinoe
Women Petition Rep. Duncan


A group specifically referred to as the “Greensville District Market Women” has petitioned District 1 Representative Crayton Oldman Duncan to replace Senator J. Milton Teahjay in Sinoe County.
According to our reporter who transmitted the petitioner’s statement to this paper including pictorials and audios, added that residents of Sanquin District and the people of Jedepo in Sinoe County also buttressed the Greensville District Women’s petition calling for the replacement of Teahjay.
Reading the petition on behalf of the petitioners, Madam Cecelia Doe said in addition to the market women’s petition, scores of youths and student groups have expressed resentment over the current senator’s behavior towards his kinsmen.
Recently, Senator Teahjay was quoted in a local daily saying, ahead of the 2023 legislative race in Sinoe county politicians have lost what he called ‘political appetite to canvass against him.
The Greensville District Women’s petition, a copy which is in the possession of this paper, among other things, states that Representative Duncan’s developmental initiatives are borderless and tangibles, unlike Teahjay who has spent eight years at the Senate but with nothing to point to as tangible developments and adding that, “What Teahjay does good is to speak against the sons and daughters of the county.”
Currently, the petitioners recalled that Rep. Duncan is constructing a gigantic and modern city hall that is already at roof level and it is being named in honor of the late Rep. Nagbe Sloh and they adding, “As we speak, Duncan is uniting our people; he is often in the county than any other lawmaker of Sinoe County.”
“Hon. Ducan has hand marks almost in all of the districts like he is already a senator. Sinoe is one of the oldest counties in Liberia but has nothing to brag about for our existence,” Madam Doe announced.
The petitioners seemed resolved in their quest to replace Teahjay because according to them, Teahjay is divisive; he instills disunity amongst the county legislative caucus and something the petitioners said, is undermining developments in the county.
The petitioners claimed that the former Superintendent now senator has miserably failed the people of the county after eight years in office at the first branch of government.
They further claimed that Senator Teahjay is only good at denying sons and daughters of the county appointment from the President due to selfish reasons stating that, “The last time we heard our Senator, he was insulting a former senator now Associate Justice at the Supreme Court of Liberia, Joseph Nagbe.”
“The other day, he was insulting his colleague, Rep. Mathew Zarzar and other sons and daughters of the county,” she reminded.
The petitioners pointed out that the county needs someone that will focus on developing the county and that person is, safe talking Representative known in the district as “ Talk and Do” Rep. Duncan.

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