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NEC Certificates 5 Senators Thus Far …As They Vow Not To Work At The Will And Pleasure Of The Executive

By Bill W. Cooper
Montserrado County newly certificated Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon has stressed that the elected Senators will not work at the will and pleasure of the Executive Branch of government but will instead work in the interest the Liberian people.
“We are not going to be obstructionist of progress, but we will stand for proper check and balance in the governance system of the country,” he stated.
Speaking yesterday, when he and four others were certificated at the National Elections Commission (NEC) office in Monrovia, Sen. Dillon among many things intoned that interesting times are ahead of them and as such, the Liberian Senate will either be the same or will continue to tune the hope of the country based on their workings in the Senate.
According to Senator Dillon, he and his colleagues are now going to the Senate with renewed vigor, energy as well as allowing God to order their steps in order to enable them fight for the will and aspiration of the Liberian people and the country at large.
He added, “We will support the administration’s agenda that will be constructive and positive for the country and the people. We will serve as checkpoints and erect the necessary checkpoints in that same vein to ensure that the Executive Branch does the right thing.”
“Once it is for the common good, we will support it but if it is against the national interest, we will stand up to it because we are working at the will and pleasure of the Liberian people and not the Executive Branch or the President,” the Montserrado County Senator explained.
Sen. Dillon further assured that those Senators elected on the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) including Senators that won as Independent Candidates looking to collaborate with the CPP will declare and publish their assets before taking office.
According to him, said decision will enable them begin the process of fighting for transparency, accountability and integrity in public service, indicating that in order for the country to be changed, it will start with Liberians themselves and not foreigners or aliens.
“If we look for angels to change this country, we will not find one because there will always be Saul turning to Paul. Saul will either turn to Paul by force or by persuasion or by personal cohesion but we should allow Saul to turn to Paul for a change and better Liberia,” he averred.
Meanwhile, NEC has certificated five out of the 15 Senators announced as winners of the just ended Tuesday, December 8, 2020, Special Senatorial Election.
Those certificated are Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado; Prince Kermue Moye of Bong, Nyonbleee Kangar-Lawrence of Grand Bassa; Emmanuel James Nuquay of Margibi and Jonathan Boychales Sogbie of Rivergee County respectively.
Presenting the certificates, NEC chairperson, Davidetta Brone-Lansanah disclosed that unlike Grand Kru and Gbarpolu who are expected to go to the polls soon, eight Senators that were declared winners by the NEC will not be certificated until legal matters surrounding their election are addressed.
According to her, NEC is still looking into election disputes in 10 out of the 15 counties, noting that upon the conclusion of these issues, the NEC will hastily certificate the remaining Senators elect.
She then condemned the recent electoral violence orchestrated by some unknown individuals in Grand kru, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties and urged the government through the joint security to speedily investigate the act in order for the perpetrators to face the full weight of the law.
The NEC Chair further called on Liberians that are involved with electoral violence to stop, stressing, “Such act has the propensity to undermine our country’s fragile peace. We also want to pledge the NEC’s fullest cooperation in working with the state security during its investigation.”

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