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‘Missing Boys’ Issue Goes To Capitol

By Bill W. Cooper
The families of three missing boys who were alleged to have gotten drowned recently are calling on the House of Representatives to conduct proper inquiry in order to bring closure to the mysterious disappearance of their children.
On October 17, 2020 it was reported that the three individuals known as Robert M. Blamo, Siafa G. Boimah and Bobby S. Gbeanquoi allegedly got drowned in the Fuamah District in Bong County.
According to a report, their mysterious disappearance was noticed hours after they had completed a piece of job for the owner of the St. Moses Funeral Parlors, Moses Ahossoule and a senior officer of the National Security Agency (NSA), Abraham Samuels in Bong County.
Reading a petition statement on behalf of the families, Pastor Elijah D. Watson stated that the decision to seek the lawmakers’ intervention was triggered based on the government’s refusal to guarantee them redress through the Justice Ministry and Liberia National Police (LNP); something had said is leading their mothers and other family members to being frustrated.
“We have tried as peaceful citizens to work for peace and unity in our country but we are distressed and no one hears us. We are wailing and no one cares. We are subdued and abused with no one to rescue us. Our government, through the Executive has inflicted more wounds by their indifference and the lack of justice and with that, we hope the legislators whom we voted for will not let us down because this is our final checkpoint,” he said.
According to him, on numerous occasions they had engaged the Ministry of Justice formally through the Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean thereby citing December 14 and 12, 2020 and January 6, 2021 are some of the dates; they noted that due to the minister’s failure to address their plight, they are more frustrated and disappointed then relieved.
Watson, among other things, intoned that on November 11, 2020 the aggrieved families also issued a press statement calling on the international community to intervene with an independent investigation into the disappearance of the children because according to them, the LNP was presumed to have been compromised due to the proceedings during the investigation.
He added, “On November 10, 2020 when we assembled at the St. Mosses Funeral Parlors to demand answer concerning our boys, we were mal-handled, tear-gas, brutalized and arrested by officers of the LNP as well as some of our belongings also got missing but to date, since the LNP IG said the was going to be an investigation into the matter, we are yet to see the report and get redress.”
Receiving the petition statement on behalf of his colleagues, Montserrado County District #2 Representative who is the Chairperson on the House Committee on Defense and National Security, Col. Jimmy W. Smith, lauded the aggrieved families for their level of patience exhibited thereby promising to submit their petition to his and colleagues and that they will hear from him within one week period.

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