The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

CEMENCO Joins Fight Against COVID-19

The Liberia Cement Corporation (CEMENCO) has joined the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Liberia by making donation of sanitary materials to an International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and Residents of district 13 in Montserrado County.

The donated materials according to CEMENCO will be distributed to other parts of Monrovia. The items include; 20 large buckets of chlorine and 45 cartoon of hand sanitizers.

These items are expected to be distributed to medical centers in Monrovia and its environs in the coming weeks.

The NGO has already received 16 large buckets of chlorine and 45 cartoons of hand sanitizes from the Liberia Cement Corporation (CEMENCO) as supplies needed to fight spread of COVID-19 across the country.

The distribution of the Medical supplies donated is centralized by said NGO linked with Ministry of Health and Center for disease Control and prevention (CDC) office in Liberia. Mr. William Phillippe Gaignard, the Managing Director of the Liberia Cement Corporation made the donation on behalf of the Parent Company Heidelberg Cement Group headed by Mr. Hakan Gurdal, the CEO of Africa, Eastern, Mediterranean Basin.

Also, District #13 received 4 large buckets of Chlorine and five cartoons of hand washing sanitizers while the Government of Liberia, received 16 large buckets of chlorine and 45 cartoons of hand sanitizers.

Receiving the items on behalf of his district, Representative Edward Flomo of district 13, Montserrado County thanked the company for honoring its social corporate responsibility and called on all Liberians and residents to join the fight against the spread of COVID-19 by adhering to the measures laid down by health authorities.

“We cannot assume this continent of 1.3 billion people will blissfully escape the crisis. The World cannot afford the unthinkable consequences of a COVID-19 pandemic in Africa,” the CEMENCE boss said.

 Although there are still fewer Coronavirus Infections in Africa than other parts of the world for which Liberia is no exception, WHO figures shows that the continent now has more than 1,300 cases of COVID-19 in 43 countries and 40 deaths across the continent.

More worrying is that 12 African countries have recorded local transmissions. The WHO said, government must prevent local transmission from evolving into a worst case scenario of wide spread sustained community transmission. Such scenario will present a major challenge to counties with weak health systems, as they do not have sufficient resources to cope with a large influx of patients needed isolation and intensive care.

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