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CDA Deputy Registrar Highlights Youth Development

By Bill W. Cooper
The Cooperative Development Agency (CDA) Deputy Registrar General, Mohammed K. Jalloh has stressed the need for integrated youth development programs through Agricultural opportunities for Liberian youths across the country.
He stressed that when Liberian youths are given the requisite Agricultural education and opportunities through training, marketing skills among others; he foresees the country experiencing serious positive change and growth in the nearer future.
Mr. Jalloh made the assertion over the weekend at the CDA office on the 72nd Boulevard, when he officially took over as the institution’s new Deputy Registrar General for Gender, Youth Participation and Program Development.
Recently, President George M. Weah on August 29, appointed Mohammed Jalloh to discharge the duty of the Deputy Registral General for Program and Youth Development at the Cooperative Development Agency, along with Eugene S. Joboe Jr. who is also tasked to serve as the institution’s Deputy Registral General for Community Services.
However, Mr. Jalloh among other things emphasized that young people account for about 65 percent of Liberia’s population and as such; the need for more youth empowerment through agricultural companies cannot be overemphasized.
According to the new CDA’s Deputy Registrar General, the move to empower young people through Agricultural skills will help create Liberian entrepreneurs and make the country self-sufficient through food production, noting that Agriculture is the only surest way of improving Liberia’s economy and to alleviate Liberians out of poverty.
He added, “Youth development is one of those key factors that drives every Nations developmental agenda for prosperity, growth and development and Liberia is of no exception.”
“President Weah appointed me in this position to help him implement the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). He did not send me here to undermine anyone; but rather to work with you all in collaboration and in harmony,” Mr. Jalloh intoned.
In remark, the CDA Registrar General, Regina Sokan-Teah lauded the Liberian leader for the appointment thus describing Mr. Jalloh as competent and hardworking young man, adding that his coming to the institution is a plus for Liberian youths across the country.

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