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Firestone To Lay Off Over 350 Workers? … As House C’ttee Summons Management
The House Committee on Concession and Investment has summoned the Management of Firestone for what it calls decisions by the Management of Firestone to lay off over 300 of its!-->…
Executive Mansion Sends Out Challenge …On Reports That Pres. Weah Attacks…
By Alex YomahThe Executive Mansion has described as opposition's make-up, report which is said to have gone viral, that President George Manneh Weah attacked opposition on June 7, 2020 at a!-->…
CDC Urged On Primaries For Senatorial Elections
Two Senior members of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) have called on the party to begin work with coalition leaderships in the counties to start early preparations pending details!-->…
Who’s Who For Unity Party Chairmanship – As Big Names Highlighted
As the upcoming mini-convention for the election of the former ruling Unity Party (UP) National Chairmanship, several names over the past weeks have been heard in the country's political!-->…
CPP Member Denounces Postponement Of Midterm Elections
A member of the Collaborating Political Party (CPP) has condemned government's decision on the postponement of the midterm senatorial election scheduled for mid October to!-->…
Sen. Joseph Helps CDC’s Ailing Lawmaker’s District
By Alex YomahIn an apparent effort to buttressing Montserrado County District #9 Representative Munah Pelham Youngblood's food distribution Project, Senator Saah H. Joseph provided half a!-->…
ECC Calls For Voter Roll Cleaning & Update
The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) is deeply worried that if financial resources are not provided by the Executive Branch of Government, the December 9, 2020 proposed date to!-->…
Dillon’s Probe Faces Setback
Barely two days to Senate's leadership verdict report over a decision seeking the indulgence of plenary to probe Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darious Dillon over a reported!-->…
Zeon Town Leadership Finally Inducted
The Zeon Town Community, located in ELWA, Paynesville on Sunday, May 31, inducted a new leadership to serve for the next three years.Those inducted were Caroline Caranda, Chairperson; T.!-->…
ULAA Urges Gov’t … To Institute Strong Measures Against The Perpetrators Of…
The Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA or Union) expresses deep concerns over the prevailing situations of rampant violence against children especially young girls who are!-->…