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Business and Economic
“Improve Fiscal Transparency, Others” -Rodriguez Tells Gov’t
United States Charge 'd'Affaires to Liberia, Christine Rodriguez, has assured that the US Government will work closely with the Liberian government to improve fiscal transparency and other!-->…
House Speeds Nat’l Budget’s Review
By Grace Q. Bryant The House of Representatives has accelerated the review process of the proposed 2024 National Budget. Following deliberations, the House has taken a swift decision,!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Raw Rubber Exportation Dams Liberians’ Chances For Jobs
The rubber sector is a major stakeholder in terms of jobs creation for Liberians but there is this repeated call for the lifting Executive Order # 124, which bans the exportation of!-->…
NOCAL Vice President for Finance …Vows To Attract ‘Real Money’
By Alex Yomah The first Vice president for Finance of the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL), Emmanuel Zango, says he is hopeful of revving the sector to attract ‘real money’. !-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
CBL Withdraws Legal Tender Series By March 1
The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has announced March 31, 2024 as the date to begin the decommissioning of old Liberia dollar banknotes series as legal tender. According to a release!-->!-->!-->…
House Receives Draft 2024 Nat’l Budget
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has submitted to the House of Representatives the draft national budget in the tune of US$625.57 million, for fiscal year 2024.Deputy!-->…
Organizations Team Up With Local Communities On Alternative Livelihood Opportunities,…
The Local Community Capacity Development Activity (LCCDA) project, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and!-->…
Weah Wants House Ratify OPEC Agreement
By Precious D FreemanPresident George Weah has submitted for ratification by the Legislature, a bill titled “Integrated Fisheries Sector Strengthening Project - Financing Agreement between!-->…
Bea Mountain Mining Company Again
The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Mines and Energy, has confirmed one death and two injuries to employees of the Bea Mountain Mining Company, operating in Kinjor, Grand!-->…
BRAC Liberia Microfinance Renews Commitment
BRAC-Liberia Microfinance Company Limited (BLMCL), a leading provider of microfinance services in Liberia, has renewed its commitment to excellently serving their valued customers across!-->…