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House Adjourns Session For Easter Celebration …As Chambers Switches Committee Heads

By Bill W. Cooper
As the House of Representatives goes on a two-week Easter break, Speaker Bhofal Chambers continues to named chairpersons and co-chairs as part of his administrative reshuffle scheme.
Nimba County District 9 Rep. Johnson Gwaikolo replaces Lofa County’s Mariamu Fofana as Chairperson on Rules, Order and Administration while Bong County District 3 lawmaker, Melvin Cole retains the Co-chair post.
The Lofa County District 3 who is named the Chairperson on the Education Committee replaces Gwaikolo and Montserrado County District 7 Rep. Solomon C. George, chairs the Committee on Youth and Sports which is now Co-chaired by Montserrado County District 9 Rep. Frank Saah-Foko.
The House Committee on Post and Telecommunication is now chaired by Maryland County District 3 Rep. Isaac B. Roland, Co-chair by Bong County District 6 Rep. Moima Briggs Mensah while members representing the House on the University of Liberia Board are: Mathew Zarzar, Larry P. Younquoi, Richard N. Koon and Johnson Gwaikolo.
Meanwhile, Speaker Bhofal Chambers is urging all Liberians to use the Easter season as an opportunity of preaching unity and peace in the country.
He said it is only Liberians who can build, change and sustain the country’s fragile peace and admonished them to seek the face of the Lord and demonstrate the behavior Godliness
Speaker Chambers also encouraged his colleagues in the House of Representatives to observe the Easter celebration with their various constituents and relatives adding that the true meaning of Easter is to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ as it celebrates the defeat of death and the hope of salvation by the son of God, Jesus Christ.
Adjourning session on Thursday, March 25, the Maryland County District 1 lawmaker said the leadership with support from the administrative staff will steer the affairs of the House of Representatives until session is resumed.
Speaker chambers added, “Easter is a period for all Christian to reflect on the resurrection of Christ Jesus whose grace has brought us this far as a nation and people.”

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