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Women Petition Patricia Jaetor To Contest Dist. #16 Seat

Madam Patricia Jaetor has been petitioned by the Grassroots Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) women and the Borough Women and Girls Empowerment Program of the Borough of New Kru Town to contest the electoral district #16 legislative seat in Montserrado County in the pending Tuesday, October 10.

The women in their petition statement the grassroots women of electoral district # 16 and founding female Chairlady of the Grassroots Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) in the Municipal Borough of New Kru Town, said for too long their male counterpart have been supported by the women but there have never been a female representative of the district.

They said  Patricia Jaetor, is  a bare rock individual behind President George Weah overwhelming victory in the district in 2017, but they along with Jaetor have been marginalized.

Jaetor, in her acceptance speech on Saturday, April 8, in New Kru Town she encouraged women of the district not to vote a male candidate vying on the ticket of the ruling Congress for Democratic Change in the upcoming election because women in  the district are being marginalized by the ruling establishment.

Amidst applause from her supporters most of whom were female partisans in New Kru Town that is considered to be the strong hold of the CDC,  Jaetor said she has accepted the women petition because she will be the voice of the voiceless and marginalized women and inhabitants in the district.

She said is sadden that the Weah led government is doing nothing to adequately address issues affecting women and children particularly child labor, drug abuse, prostitutions something she said is eating up the fabric of district.

Based on these and many other contentious affecting the people of the district, Jaetor said that the women of district have resolved support a female candidate who they believe will adequately represent them at the National Legislature to alleviate their plights.

Jaetor cautioned that President remove himself from around those she described as evil people who are spreading lies and misinformation to him about her being against him only because they want the president’s  favor and further marginalization of his southeastern compatriots.

She warned that if President Weah refuses to meet with the women of the Borough the CDC stands the risk of losing the District # 16 seat in the upcoming election.

Why narrating  her  ordeals and challenges of the women in the District particularly in New Kru Town as far back as 2004 when they were cashless but stood with President Weah who she said today has forgotten about them but choose to work with people who used to criticize them for being CDCians are the ones now enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Earlier, in the petition statement read by the Chairlady for Mobilization of Team Patricia Jaetor, Beatrice Nyenplue Wesseh Natt declearedx that the women of the District are resolved to ensure that no male candidate vying on the ticket of the CDC is elected in the House of Representative because the government has failed the women who continued to be marginalized in the governing process of the district.

Natt recounted the much humanitarian assistance the representative aspirant Madam Jaetor rendered to fire and sea erosion victims during the difficult times of the situation.

She said whether in out of Liberia Madam Jaetor had always identified with them through the provision of cash and food for their sustenance.

She assured Jaetor that the women of New Kru Town will vigorously mobilize campaign and vote against any male candidate by the Congress for Democratic Change ticket in District #16.

   At the petition ceremony all of the women from various communities within the District showered praises on Madam Jaetor for her longstanding involvement in the empowerment of women saying that she is the right person suitable for the District representative job.    

For his part,  a youth and student of the Greater Vision Christian School in New Kru Town, Valentine Severins expressed frustration over the involvement of teenage youth of the district involvement in the abuse of drugs which posed a serious threat to the existence of future leaders.

He called on President Weah to take positive action that will ensure that dangerous substances do not enter the country.

He encourages the women to look at the track record of Madam Jaetor and support her ambition to represent the district in the National Legislature.

Prior to the petitioning program, the aspirant and her jubilant supporters parade from Bong Mine Bridge to the Municipal Borough of New Kru Town in their green head tie, lappa and  white t-shirt bearing the photo platform of the District #16 formidable aspirant, Madam Beatrice Jaetor.

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