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Who Released Murder Suspects From Sanniquellle Prison? …65-Yr. Old Mother Cries For Justice

By Solomon T. Gaye, Sr.
As the 8th Judicial Circuit Court resumes for its November Term of Court, the whereabouts of several murder suspects at the central prison in Sanniquellie City, Nimba County remains a concern among the residents.
65 year old Rachael Gonwoe is still appealing to President George Maneh Weah and the Chief Justice, Francis Korkpor, to bring her relief because since the death of her son, Lawrence Gonwoe, the murder suspects are yet to appear in court.
Madam Gonwoe, being the victim’s grandmother explained that her son got killed by Samson Daikeh Mehn for LD 100 while in a fist fight in the Valley Community outside Ganta City on July 2, 2019.
She added that because of her poor parental background, suspects Samson Mehn, spent few weeks behind bar at the central prison after being transferred to the magisterial court in Ganta awaiting court trial in accordance with due process in the Country.
Mother Gonwoe, added she and her entire family were depending on the government to ensure that the law took its course for justice to prevail, but stated that the case is in limbo because there have been no official words from the office of the County Attorney; who is responsible to prosecute suspect Samson Mehn, since July 2019 over his alleged released and well about in the country.
Since the beginning of 2020, reports about alleged releasing of criminals most especially murder suspects form the Central Prison who are awaiting trial in the county are now the order of the day and a common practice that needs government intervention.
Speaking to a business woman in the Tappita General Market, Martha Paye broke silence and said the release of the four alleged murder suspects and their resurface in the district.
She names Luah Karzon, Bill Geanyon, Johnson Vaye, Dahngbay Dahnwho as those who allegedly shot at Aaron Albert with single barrel gun and wounded Dahnkuan Tarr, on June 6, 2019.
According to Madam Paye, the four suspects is going about their normal activities in the district after killing another person in cool blood but when the LNP Chief of Criminal Service Department (CSD) Oscar Sayeh, was contacted, he confirmed the arrest and detention of the four guy with the death of Aaron Albert, wounded Dahnkuan Tarr in Dolay Town, Gblor Clan, Nimba County on June 6, 2019.
Chief of Criminal Service Department (LNP) Oscar Sayeh, explained the four suspects admitted to Police during preliminary investigation that victim was shot killed with a single barrel gun, wounded Dahnkuan Tarr, while attempting to steal goats on the motorbike, but how they got released after being charged with murder sent to court transferred to prison by court is not to his knowledge.
Suspect Samson Mehn, also killed Little Lawrence Gonwoe, at the valley community in Ganta early July 2019 in a fist fight, he admitted to Police during preliminary investigation charged with murder sent to court and was transferred to the central prison in Sanniquellie to await court trial, how he got released is not the business of the Police, CSD Oscar Sayeh, via mobile phone in the County.
When contacted the central prison via mobile phone confirmed released of several murder suspects and pointed accused finger at the court for their released.
When the County Attorney John Miah was contacted via mobile phone, he disclosed the release of Samson Mehn but could not explain his whereabouts while the Clerk of Court at the 8th Judicial Circuit, Arthur Gaye, also confirmed the release of Luah Karzon, Bill Geanyon, Johnson Vaye, Dahngbay Dahn.
Veng is serving as Clan Chief for Gblor Clan; however, under which arrangements those murder suspects were released to the Clan Chief and Mr. Biah remains unclear.

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