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What’s Stalling NCCC’s Board Appointment?

By Solomon T. Gaye Sr.
Report reaching this paper says the lack of Board Members to supervise the teaching staff and the administration of Nimba County Community College (NCCC) is hampering the smooth running of the Institution.
The NCCC administrator, Edwin Kruah, has frowned on the Executive Branch of government for not appointing board members that will be responsible to work with the college to correct the administration in line with the government’s policy designed for the smooth running of a college in terms of financial reports and operational budgets.
The vice president for Administration said the NCCC has been operating without a Board since 2018 and is posing hardship on the faculties working with the college to carry out developments that will boost the image of the college.
According to Kruah, the Ministry of Education has upgraded the college to operate as a university and will shortly offer Bachelor degree in Education, Agriculture, Mining Engineering, Nursing and Business respectively.
According to the administration of the college, if nothing is done by the Executive Branch of government to appoint board members, then no developments will be carried out at the college.
NCCC is a government community college that is catering to college students in the nine electoral districts in Nimba County.
When Representative Johnson Gwaikolo was contacted via mobile phone, he confirmed the report that the NCCC’s Board appointment is before President George Manneh Weah and that the Legislative Caucus has officially recommended to his office the urgent need to appoint board members to work with the college administration in the county.

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