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“We Need To Work Harder” -Weah Implores Cabinet

By Alex Yomah

President George Weah yesterday in Gompa City officially declared Cabinet Retreat open with a caution to ministers to work harder if they are to be reelected.

In an official remark declaring the retreat open, President Weah thanked his officials for their full participation in the governance of the nation to progress.

 “I wish to welcome you to this Presidential Cabinet Retreat and thank you for your active participation in the governance of our great Nation,” he said.

He averred that while he commends the workings of government, but urged everyone to work harder.

“With hard work and dedication to duty, it is noteworthy that a lot still remains to be done to bring our nation to the promised land, as enshrined in the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD), our national development plan,” President Weah intimated.

Accordingly, “We have carefully selected a set of priorities for consideration during this retreat, namely, the PAPD performance, outlook of the national economy, management and coordination of foreign aid.”

The Liberian leader indicated that the cabinet retreat declared was intended to review the 2022 Legislative agenda, increasing accountability and transparency in government, enshrining a culture of performance and delivery of results, improving coordination and teamwork in government.

Weah begged his officials to review all Presidential priorities for the next 16 months which he said, would set stage for their reelection.

“Over the last four years of this Administration, we have made great strides in the implementation of development projects across the country. It is therefore imperative to review the status of these projects, to ensure that they are fully aligned with our goals and intentions to take our country to its desired destination,” he stated. 

The Chief Executive added that he had included a Presidential Development Tour in the retreat activities, so that he can inspect key development projects and initiatives in Nimba County.

“It is my expectation that all of you participants will actively engage in this Retreat, as we are now entering a crucial period for this Administration,” he intoned.  

“In October 2023, just 16 months from now, the Liberian people will have the constitutional opportunity to reward us for the results we are achieving. It is therefore imperative that all hands are on deck with a full commitment to ensure that we get a resounding victory,” he reminded officials.

Accordingly, “I commend your active participation in the Performance Management and Compliance System, which requires all Ministries, Agencies and Commissions to develop a comprehensive, critical, and analytical report of policies and programs that are under their direction, with particular emphasis on those that have been instituted during the period of our stewardship,” Weah added. 

“You are also expected to develop Service Delivery Charters for your institutions, to provide clarity to the public of the high-quality services we are providing. It is also of critical importance that you develop Institutional Strategic Plans that are well-aligned with the national development agenda, the PADP,” he said.

Meanwhile, the President apparently being intrigued by a jammed packed gathering described oppositions as jokers.

He intimated that government has done lots to be praised, yet oppositions say government has done nothing to require admiration of the public.

 Weah said despite all of the developmental initiatives nationwide, there are lots of oppositions who are saying that, Government has done nothing under his watch as President.

“If anyone tells you that your government has not done anything; tell that person that he/she is living in another world or tell them that they are jokers,” Weah said.

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