The U.S. Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires, Alyson Grunder has highlighted an additional $1 million for USAID Liberia programs that will provide critical aid for all 15 counties in Liberia.
The funding includes support to the counties for response activities, identification and testing of suspect cases and contact tracing as the Embassy assured that the United States continues to lead the humanitarian and health assistance response to COVID-19 in Liberia.
According to the Embassy, the funding will also support quarantine efforts as well as support community engagement and risk communication using local partners who can most effectively deliver messages about prevention and testing.
The United States has been the largest contributor to Liberia’s health sector, laying a strong foundation for Liberia’s COVID-19 response through more than $4 billion in total assistance, including more than $675 million in health assistance, Grunder stated.
“We count on the Government ministries and agencies as well as the civil society organizations with whom we work to maintain the highest standards of accountability and transparency. We want our resources to have maximum impact and to complement the efforts and initiatives of the government and of other donor partners and organizations.” The US Embassy stated.
The U.S. Embassy in Liberia said they are working hard every day to support Liberia’s COVID-19 response efforts and to diminish as much as possible the impact of this disease on Liberia’s economic and political development going forward.
“Liberia is well-positioned to fight COVID 19 so long as its government and people are unified and committed.
Fighting COVID working collaboratively with its international partners,” the statement is quoted.
The embassy also recognizes the community health workers and public health professionals throughout the country who are experienced and capable and stated that Liberia has many best practices and institutional structures already established and therefore is urged everyone to always follow the safety strategies that will help protect they, their families and their communities by washing their hands frequently and carefully, practicing physical distancing of at least six feet as much as possible, wearing face mask if available and abide by the difficult but necessary lockdown measures that will stop the spread of COVID- 19.
“While these U.S. agencies are channeling funding to programs intended to strengthen Liberia’s health system and improve the health of all Liberians, I emphasize that our assistance efforts consist of more than money and supplies. Our health experts are providing technical assistance and collaboration on the ground every day and every hour that is foundational to our support,” the U.S. Embassy’s Chargé d’Affaires stressed.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Mission health team is comprised of representatives of multiple U.S. agencies and departments, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration and the Department of Defense. See Full Text on page 9

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