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“Release Results That Reflect The Will And Aspiration Of Liberians” -Council Of Churches Caution NEC


By Bill W. Cooper
The Liberia Council of Churches (LCC) has cautioned the National Election Commission (NEC) to release election results that reflects the will and aspirations of Liberians as being demonstrated in the December 8 polls.
Recently, Liberians went in their numbers to the polls across the 15 political sub-division on December 8, to participate in special senatorial, the by-elections and the National Referendum aimed at selecting 15 new senators as well as to amend part of Liberia’s Constitution.
Addressing a news conference over the weekend at his LCC office in Sinkor, the LCC president, Bishop Kortu Brown, stressed that the Liberians have spoken through the ballot box and as such, their will and rights should be respected by announcing what they decided through their votes.
The LCC head however also encouraged the NEC to hastily release the results of the elections as timely and conclusive in order to undermine the growing public concerns about the elections results.
He also urged Liberians and political parties to do away with self- pronouncement of election results, stating that it will conflict the working of the NEC and as such, Liberians should exhibit patient and await the official pronouncement if results by the NEC.
Bishop Brown further called on political parties and their various supporters to be mindful of their utterances during this post elections period in order to maintain the peace and the upholding of the rule of law of the country.
“The LCC will like to call on Liberians to maintain the peace and security, and equally so, government must also work to sustain the peace; Liberia has made gains in sustaining and advancing peace and security illustrated by form and manner we conducted ourselves during these elections and we must ensure this is sustained,” he admonished.
Meanwhile, the LCC through its president further applauded the Liberians, the Media, NEC, political parties, the government and all for the smooth and peaceful conduct of the December 8, Special Senatorial and National Referendum elections though admitted of some challenges during the process.
He named voters finding it difficulties in locating their polling places to vote, illegal possession of voters cards by some individuals, the poor lighting system at some polling centers and the late starting of voting at some polling places among others are some if the challenges,” alluding, “Will all these challenges observed by the LCC, the voting process was still peaceful, thank God for that.”

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