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Politicking, Neither Violence Nor Enmity


ON THURSDAY, 16 March, the University of Liberia (UL) suspended all students’ politics on the campus until further notice. According to the authorities, the suspension comes in the wake of many violent disturbances on the campus.
IT ADDED THAT students are mandated to keep in strict conformity to this pronouncement, and that violators will be severely sanctioned in keeping with the University’s Revised Student Handbook.
ACCORDINGLY, NO POLITICAL group shall assemble or hold meetings or engage in any political-related activities on any of the university campuses during this period of suspension.
IT MAINTAINED THAT the suspension affects political solidarity marches, political gathering, the wearing of symbols and emblems depicting and promoting campus-based political groups, students’ protests among others thereby condemning the violent disturbances that erupted on Monday, March 13, 2023, and by extensions all such incidents.
INDEED, WE WELCOME the action taken by the University of Liberia’s leadership which is intended to restore law and order on all of its campuses which has been witnessing “uncouth behavior” on the part of some students who declared these campuses No-Go-Zone for public officials.
WE BELIEVE THAT the students’ politicking from the University had always been characterized by violent disturbances in nature during the tenure of every national administration starting from the 1970s to date; therefore the sanction, which is to ensures and commit the full protection and safety of all students, staff, faculty and users of the facilities and services of the University is a kudos.
BECAUSE POLITICKING IS neither violence nor enmity; rather the meaningful exhibition of intellectualism for the competition of ideas or opinions for the growth and development of mankind therefore; it should not be used for the destruction of lives and properties in any form and manner.
VIOLENCE, WHETHER ON grade schools’ campuses or tertiary institutions including the University of Liberia during pre or post-war period in the country have some intents and motives of disruption and desire to break down law and order as those sponsoring the agitators from behind the scene don’t care what damage it might cause.
THEREFORE, POLITICKING SHOULD neither be violence nor enmity as the suspension of students’ political activities at the University shall make learning there conducive because both the agitators and non-agitators shall focus on their lessons during this free-tuition period of relaxation.

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