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PAW Ordains Suffragan Bishop Johnson


The West Africa Council (WAC) of the 35th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), Liberia, has ordained Pastor Julian Johnson as Suffragan Bishop on Sunday, November 7, 2022.

The ceremony was performed at the First Haven Faith In God Church on Front Street in Monrovia. The Diocesan Bishop of the 35th Episcopal District Bishop, Dr. Leo M. Simpson, challenged the suffragan Bishop elect overwhelmingly by members of the executive council the highest decision making body of the district council to help drive the developmental adjutant of the council.

Simpson said the transformation of the Liberian region of the PAW will come to fruition of the good work and support from suffragan Bishop Johnson. He prayed that God will grant him strength to help lead the people God has placed in their hands for guidance both spiritual and physical in Christendom.

He noted that Liberia West African Council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of World needs all the support it can to get to spread the good news of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and his love for mankind.

Responding following his ordination and induction in the Bishopric family suffragan, Bishop Johnson, vowed that by the grace of God, of the PAW congregation will enhance the developmental initiatives in Liberia.

He also promised that during his time to the council of the Liberia West African 35th district he will attract the needed support to move it forward.

In a brief exhortation on the theme: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE WITH Text from I Timothy 3:1-7 the PAW Diocesan Bishop Simpson said the call to serve the Liberian council by suffragan Bishop Johnson is one out of many and that the favor of God is upon him to serve the PAW.

Bishop Simpson recounted to him the role and responsibilities of a Bishop as written in said scripture of I Timothy 3:1-7.

He reminded him that he is the salt of the earth, to a decayed world that needs preservation remarks from first lady Melanie Johnson said it was an opportunity to serve and support the 35th Episcopal District of Liberia.

Also, making remarks the head of the international mission department, Dr. Kandy Akers promised on behalf of the international mission department of the Bethesda Temple Mission team to support the works of the PAW.

The national women department of the PAW presented gifts to all nine member guests which was done by Sister Christiana Chie on their behalf an expression of gratitude and welcome and above all for kingdom’s work.

It can be recalled in 2021, Pastor Johnson was elected to serve within the Liberian West Africa council of the PAW.

This idea was birth in 2018 when a group of women within LAS FIDELAS MARTRONS WORKED toward the goal of the reopening of the Samuel Grimes School in Kakata, Margibi County, which was destroyed during the Liberia civil war visited the country for facts findings.

Suffragan Bishop Julian Johnson was one of few men of that nine-man delegation then during that visit. The newly ordained bishop is a licensed minister of the gospel in the PAW prior to his ordination.
He served as treasurer for the Midwestern District Council of the PAW and currently serves as first assistant chairman of the council.

But suffragan Bishop Johnson is a member of the Board of Directors for outreach and evangelism in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.

He graduated from Hampton University in Hampton Virginia in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, and 2021 bagged another degree from the Missouri Baptism University in Saint Louis with a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry.

Suffragan Bishop Johnson prior to going full time in ministry worked with several corporation in various financial accounting roles.

His twenty years of combined experience as senior accountant, and analyst paid off to qualify him to the post the LWAC / PAW. Suffragan Bishop has authored a book called the Garden of Eden.

In July 1998, he married his beloved wife, Melanie Sims and they are proud parents of two wonderful sons, Joseph and Jonathan.

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