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Party Litigants Alarm Over Prosecutors’ Absence In Court …Storm Temple of Justice


By Grace Q. Bryant
The unconditional absence of state prosecutors since the resumption of the May Term of Court has drawn public concerns as the criminal courts at the Temple of Justice are yet to entertain cases on its respective dockets.
The reported go-slow action instigated by the state prosecutors has also created serious uncertainty over the dispense of justice at that level of courts, thereby prompting the immediate intervention from the 1st Judicial Circuit Court.
With the lingering uncertainty over the prosecution of cases, the court has with immediate effect summoned officials of the Ministry of Justice to show cause why the court should not hold them in contempt for their prosecutors failure and refusal to appear in court upon receipt of notices of Assignment since the opening of the May Term of court.
In a Writ of Summon for Contempt of Court issued by Criminal Court “A” Judge Roosevelt Willie, the court requested the living bodies of Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean and Solicitor General Sayma Syrenius Cephus.
Judge Willie told journalists that the refusal of state prosecutors to appear in court have hampered normal working activities at the Temple of Justice and denied access to justice for individuals who have cases at the court.
Judge Willie writ of Summon comes at the time when a group of individuals under the banner ‘Cycle of Life Fellowship’ stormed the premises of Criminal Court “C” demanding the court to speedily try a Theft of Property and Criminal Conspiracy case involving them and a defendants Maria Morgan Luyken and others.
The complainants, 20 in number, with their demand for Justice explained that on November 4, 2020 in the area of the Capitol Bye Pass, defendants Reginald Taylor, Maria Morgan Luyken, Amos Benjamin, S. Bismarck Appleton, Meattia Yancy and Ralph Johnson were arrested, investigated and subsequently charged with commission of the crimes of Theft of Property, Criminal Conspiracy and Fraud.
According to the 10-count indictment, the defendants with minds and intent to commit a crime, designed and developed a criminal scheme, organized a purported and Criminal enterprise named “Cycle of Life Fellowship” with the intent to trick and dupe state victims and other citizens.
The indictment further explained that the defendants having dubiously organized, knowingly, purposely, criminally and intentionally did take, defraud, deprive and steal monies from the private prosecutors and private prosecutrix, in amount of US$ 378,490.
The indictment added that the police investigation stated that the defendants having induced and influenced the private prosecutors and private prosecutrix under deceptive minds extorted the cash issued several receipts to private prosecutors and private prosecutrix in the name of Cycle of Life Fellowship as evidence of the commission of the theft.
Judge Peter Gbeneweleh asked the protesters to go home and come back on Wednesday of this week at which time the court may have settled the issue with state prosecutors.

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