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Nimba County Council Sitting Ends In Dispute


The long awaited Council County sitting which officially kick-off on Friday, August 21, in Sanniquelllie Mah District in Nimba County was not only the scene for an election, but confusion over the elections result.

The result declared three office staff within the offices of Representatives Gonpue Kargon and Roger Domah as well as Senator Prince Yormie Johnson thereby causing two of the candidates to boycott the election for reasons that were not disclosed,

However, Harris Yinimie, Richard Yeangan and Sam Tarkruah were declared winners by Senator Johnson on one hand without explaining to voters attending the program their platforms and qualifications couple with their job experiences.

Speaking to team of reporters, Representative Tokpa of electoral district # 2, Younquoi of electoral district # 8 and Kogar of electoral district # 5 threatened court action on ground that the PMC election  was characterized by cheating, disrespect to for the rule of law and asserted that, that will not work with them.

Meanwhile, according to Superintendent Nelson Korquoi, 115 members including members of the Traditional Chief Council, local authorities, women organizations, youth leaders, civil societies group, reporters working with the 12  community radio stations in various electoral districts were in attendance  as delegates and observers respectively.

Speaking in opening remarks, Representative Johnson Gwaikolo appealed to delegates, observers, and the invited guest representing the interest of the citizens to be peaceful during the program to discuss issues of national concern that will move the county ahead in term of developments in such a critical period in the Country.

The electoral district # 9 added that the Project Management Committees (PMC) election, US$ 1.5 million Social Development Funds and county damaged road equipment were on the agenda of the program.

 Speaking in separate remarks, Senator Prince Yormie Johnson pointed accusing fingers at the former President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, for taking over the county’s Social Development Funds during her 12 years of administration causing government to owe Nimba US$ 18, 000, 000 debt creating serious hardship to repair the county’s earth moving equipment couple with other important developments to be carried out in the nine electoral districts.

Speaking to team of reporters in an angry mood, Representatives Larry Younquoi, Prince Tokpa, and Sam Kogar frowned at Senator Johnson, Representatives Domah and Kargon for allowing their office staff contest the PMC election.

The three lawmakers added that Senator Johnson, Representatives Domah and Kargon used their position and political influence to manipulate the election in favor of their respective office staff.

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