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New Lions Take Over GMLC Leadership


New corps of officers is expected to take over the leadership of the Greater Monrovia Lion Club (GMLC) as of July 1, 2022.
The batch of officers that were elected to various positions is headed by Lion Margaret Clark Youboty and is expected to steer the affairs of the club for the next Lionistic year.
Over the weekend at the Boliva Palace Hotel in Monrovia, Lions from various clubs in and out of Liberia gathered to perform the installation ceremony of Lion Youboty and her corps of officers for the year 2022-2023.
At the occasion, Peace Activist and Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee called on the club’s leadership and members to take the service as an issue of concern to the society.
Madam Gbowee said as the Lions would say ‘where ever a Lion is, there is a need, and as such, serving actively to deliver said is of significance to the world.’
“One of the things missing in our society today mostly among the young generation is the whole attitude of service. Our nation has so much need not only from government. A life of service is a true life of leadership,” she stated.
Madam Gbowee however outlined series of needed issues for the country that in her opinion can be dealt with once citizens stand together in seeking redress without any political manipulation.
The new Lions president Margaret said in terms of providing leadership, only well-trained and disciplined servant can deliver well through management processes involving planning, leading, organizing and controlling.
She said the club has over 1.4 billion people around the world that understand the importance of putting kindness into action which is a major priority of the club and encouraged others in Monrovia to take advantage of joining the Greater Monrovia Lions Club which is the oldest in Liberia.
The Lions president vowed to perform to the best of her ability the task she was voted to serve as the Chief Executive Officer and point of focus for the effectiveness and progress of the club.
“We have to serve as if Melvin Jones our great founder is standing among us and watching us today carry out our called mission. Society needs us and we have never failed,” she cautioned.
She also called on her other inducted officials to work with her in giving more to the blind, work with the district, region and zone chairs to embark on important projects as well as to work with other Lions club in and around the country.
The other officials installed at the leadership of GMLC include Lion Victoria Duncan 1st vice president; Lion Bobby Livingston, 2nd vice president and Lion Queenila Massaquoi 3rd vice president while Lions Ade Were Kerkuleh, Eric Cassell and Priscilla Dilah serve as secretary, treasurer and tamer respectively.
Lions Theresa Freeman Tail twister, Emmanuel Witherspoon and project chairperson, Muna Sieh Browne and Chester Smith, membership and marketing Chairpersons respectively.
For the Board of Directors at the club, Lions Benedict Sannoh Aretha Collins, Samelia Roberts John Youboty and Romel Giddings will serve for some one and two years.

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