The National Elections Commission, (NEC) Commissioner, Josephine Kou Gaye has called for the full implementation of Section 4.5 (b and c), of the New Elections Law, that calls for increase in Women’s Political Participation in Liberia.
The theme of the session is, ‘Increasing Women’s Political Participation through the full implementation of section 4.5 (b and c) of the New Elections Law’ and Section 4.5 (b and c) of the New Election Law says, ‘A political party or Coalition shall have at least one-woman contestant for the primary at the convention for each constituency it nominates a candidate.’
Commissioner Gaye said the continuous commitment to the full implementation of this law, under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), singed by political parties in 2017 is the surest way to increase women’s political participation in Liberia.
She promised that if the proposed new law which changes the clause from “endeavor to ensure” to “shall have 30 percent of each gender, the Commission shall enforce it to the letter.
The NEC Commissioner with Oversight on Gender spoke on Monday in Tubmanburg City in Bomi County, at the start of a two-day strategic planning session on the drafting of an MOU towards the implementation of section 4.5 of the New Elections Law of Liberia.
The United Nations Development Program, UNDP Elections Project in Liberia is sponsoring the strategic sessions in Bomi and Buchanan City, in Grand Bassa County.
The Buchanan session runs from September 9-10, 2021 with a total of 60 participants representing Civil Society Organizations, Community Based and Faith Based organizations, as well as Persons Living with Disabilities are expected to participate in the strategic sessions in Bomi and Grand Bassa counties.