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MOJA Celebrates African Liberation Day In Silence


The Movement for Justice in African (MOJA) has celebrated this year’s African Liberation Day in silence due to Covid-19 pandemic.
In a statement issued earlier this week, MOJA said every year, May 25 is set aside by the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU) to observe the African Liberation Day.
In 1963, this decision made at the First Assembly of Heads of States of Independent African countries held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the purpose of symbolizing the determination of the African people to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation.
According to the statement, in their struggle to rid themselves of foreign exploitations that still being negatively impact the different forms of neo-colonialism and imperialism, the African people established various liberation movements and largely succeeded in their efforts.
However, while the African people are still struggling for economic emancipation, much progress has been made in the attainment of political freedoms and the building of democracy in various parts of the African Continent.
The existence of the African people is being threatened by the Covid-19, amidst the generally poor healthcare systems and under-developed transportation systems; couple with the difficulties in the delivery of required services by their governments and multilateral institutions.
Therefore, the MOJA said the most effective way to liberate the African people from the spread of the Covid-19 is to follow the World Health Organization’s (WHO) experts’ advice and which calls for the continuous washing of hands with soap and clean water, the wearing of nose masks and keeping all social distances in all public places.
In its quite observation of the day, MOJA wishes the Liberian people and the entire African Continent a happy African Liberation Day.

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