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Moima Briggs-Mensah Eyes Deputy Speaker Post?


Liberia might just be on the verge of making history as a female Representative is looks forward to assuming the Deputy Speaker’s role in the House of Representatives.

Moima Briggs-Mensah, who many of her peers describe as a floor fighter, and was a very loud voice in the 54th Legislature, and a proponent of the Traditional Midwives Sustainable Bill of 2018, Districts Emblem Bill of 202, is a frontrunner.

She also proposed an Act to grant pretrial detainees the right to vote, and has co-sponsored several bills, including the Domestic Violence Act of 2014, the National Renumeration Act of 2019, among others.

Madam Mensah was Chair of the County Legislative Caucus, co-chair on Post and Telecommunications, member, African Parliamentarian Union (APU), member on Gender Equity and Child Development, and member on State-Owned Enterprises. 

“I think it is time that we take on the leadership of the legislature to ensure that we are heard, not from the floor, but as part of the decision-making body of the House. And we are sure that we will deliver, if given the opportunity,” Madam Briggs-Mensah said.

The Representative-elect of District 4 in Bong County is thanking all residents of her district who turned out in mass to cast their votes in her favor, in the just ended October 10 Elections.

Madam Moima Briggs-Mensah, who will be serving her second term at the capitol, is joining seven women and 65 men to make up the 73 lawmakers of the 55th Legislature.

“This is a matter that I must consider with care. Many persons, including some of my colleagues, believe that I should throw in my hat. But like I told them, I will consult my family and elders in my district.”

She informed journalists that she will also consult with her peers, especially the women legislative caucus at both houses, and will make a determination in the soonest possible time.

Legislative pundits are beginning to rate lawmakers like Dixon Sebo, Ivar Jones, Richard Koon and Mike Jurry among others who might also be thinking on setting their political basket for the office of the Deputy Speaker in the 55th Legislature, but having a female Deputy Speaker will not only promote women’s inclusion and participation at the national level, but will bring on board a balance in leadership. 

According to sources close to the male dominated House of Representatives, the fight for the second highest post might not come as an easy ride for Briggs-Mensah, as it will be eight against 65; therefore, an early lobby amongst the males could build a stronger block for her, especially as she is not a novice to legislative politics.

They believe that a female Deputy Speaker at this time in Liberia’s democracy will encourage many women to contest for elected offices alongside their male counterparts, and even be aggressive in introducing issues for debate in plenary.

Meanwhile, Rep. Briggs-Mensah has expressed her ardent gratitude to residents of her district, especially the women and youth, for their moral, financial, as well as logistical support, during the entire election period.

“I don’t know how to begin thanking my people. I am grateful to all of them for everything they did for me during those testing days in the history of our district. I am so happy, not so much for myself, but what we were able to achieve together,” Madam Mensah said emotionally.

“They were with me in the sun and rain from the voter registration to the campaign, ensuring that I got elected. I will forever hold them in my heart,” she promised.

She however attributed her reelection to the Legislature to the level of work done for the people and cordial working relationship between her office and that of the people of the district, and promised to keep all windows open for further engagement with the people of her district.

“This victory is not for me personally. It is for all those who stood for hours to ensure that we finish what was started. We are being empowered by our people to work for them and not for ourselves. We were lucky to be chosen from among equals to represent our people and that is what I hold dear to my heart; the trust and confidence reposed in me,” the Bong County District 4 lawmaker asserted.

“The race was tight. At some point in time, I almost gave up, but the chiefs and elders and our women encouraged me. Again, I say my people, yor thank you yah…” Madam Mensah said in the Liberian lexis.

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