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MCC Accused Of Carrying Illegal Firearms


By Bill W. Cooper
Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean has accused Monrovia City Police of carrying or being in possession of illegal “firearms” in the country.
He told Liberian Senate yesterday, January 9, that it is illegal and unprofessional for any officer of the City Police to carry firearm which he said is completely out of their duty.
Dean statement followed concern raised by Nimba County Senator, Prince Johnson, in which he complained the Monrovia City Corporation(MCC) Mayor Jefferson Koijee and his team of allegedly being in the possession of fire arms.
However, the Monrovia City Police established by Act of Legislation on July 19, 1973 mandate is to ensure a crime-free and environmentally friendly city of Monrovia by ensuring that investors, residents and guests are protected through public safety and adequate law enforcement.
Additionally, the Monrovia City Police Department (MCPD) also plays a key role in ensuring public safety and the enforcement of city laws and ordinances in a manner and fashion consistent with the rights of all citizens.
Furthermore, the department is responsible for creating a strong sense of community ownership and participation through an effective communicating policing program ensuring that all residents, visitors and business institutions within the boundary of the MCC are protected and fully utilize the opportunities thereof to enhance the quality of life.
It also provides internal security for the Monrovia City Corporation’s facilities and staff, and support in other internal functions as well as responsible to ensure that the MCC is sustained through the provision of regular enforcement support during revenue collection or enforcement.
But according to Senator Johnson, it is troubling and worrisome for officers of the MCC including its Mayor Jefferson Koijee to be carrying firearms among peaceful citizens especially so, when it is not within the functions of the Corporation.
He said, “I am baffled to have witnessed officers of the MCC especially those close to the Mayor being in possession of firearms. So, I think it will be prudent for the Justice Minister to clear my doubt on this because as far as I am concerned, they are not part of the security institution that is allowed to carry arms.”
Sen. Johnson added, “Mind you now; I am raising this concern because we are approaching a very crucial elections which I believe in my mind borders on the security and peace of this country, so if an institution that should not be carrying arms is doing so, then I think there is a need for investigation.”
But in response to the Nimba County Senator’s concerns, Minister Dean stated, “Distinguished Senator, let me be clear that I am not in the know about anything of such but I can assure that we will look into your concern and arrest the situation.”
“Because I want to be sure that the MCC is not part of those institutions that are allowed to carry arms. Again, I say it is unfortunate and I can assure you all Senators that we will look into the matter and address the situation in the soonest possible time but again, that should be done with proper written complaint,” he added.

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