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Lofa Community College
To Gain University Status


The Lofa County Community College (LCCC) is expected to gain university status following the repeal of the act that created it in 2010 by the national legislature.

The House of Representatives took the decision during regular sitting on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, after a vote was taken by the majority members.

The act has already been sent to the House of Senate for concurrent and was introduced on Thursday, December 16, 2021, in the lower house by Lofa County‘s Electoral District #3 Lawmaker, Clarence Kortu Massaquoi.

If the Senate concurs and signs into law by the President, the university will become the seventh public tertiary institution in the country after the University of Liberia, Tubman University, Grand Bassa University College, Nimba County University, Harbel University College and the Bomi County University.

According to the repealed instrument, the Lofa County University shall have various colleges and programs to be an institution of higher learning, situated in the City of Voinjama with the view of expansion to other districts of the county.

It has been granted a charter status, which empowers it with all rights, privileges and benefits accorded institutions of higher learning under the laws of the Republic, and shall henceforth be known by the name and title “Lofa County University.

The governance and control of the university shall be vested in the board of trustees which is a corporate body under the name and style, “the board of trustees of the Lofa County University” with perpetual succession of members to be selected and appointed by the President of Liberia.

The repeal 2010 act establishing the Lofa County Community College and to establish in lieu thereof a Lofa County University and grant it a charter, said the board of trustees, as being constituted shall be widely representative of the entire Lofa County and appointed by the visitor of the university, chairman and ex-officio of the board of trustees and President as provided.

It said they shall remain in office until their successors are appointed. Members of the board shall serve a four-year term with good conduct may be reappointed once.

LCU shall be accorded a legal and corporate entity with permanent existence under the trusteeship of the university; shall have the authority to contract, sue and be sued, plead, and be impleaded in any court of competent jurisdiction within the Republic; to purchase or acquire and hold property, real and mixed with a minimum value of US$1 million.

The said university shall be perennially maintained in this county of the Republic for the education of its people and for all who may seek its advantages.

The composition of the university are college of teacher education, business and public administration, agriculture, health sciences, engineering and applied sciences, and technical, vocational education, and training.

The above listed colleges shall offer Associate’s and Bachelor’s degree programs and in addition to such. Other colleges shall be organized from time-to-time by the board of trustees of LCU in advancement of the aims and objectives of LCU.

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