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Liberians Fear Not! Coronavirus Is Real, But More Real Is Our God


You can’t give solution to the world without God! Even the Kings of the earth don’t have solution for the world. 2 Kings 6:26-27, ‘Then as the King of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried out to him, saying help, my Lord, O King! And he said if the Lord does not help you, where can I find help for you?
Listen to me; if the Lord does not help the World Health Organization (WHO)/Nations, there will be no answer. Where are the rich men and women, where are the billionaires? Where are the great scientists? Only God is the answer to the World now.
During our second service on Sunday, March 22, 2020, a police officer came at our Church and was very furious to close the church due to order given him from his boss. In fact, our second service had just ended, so I told him that you can’t close the church because it is a spiritual affair; you don’t even have the power because you will be fighting against something that is bigger than your ancestors. I told him to be gentle and communicate the message well.
The Government should tell us that every public gathering including the house of worship be suspended for 21days in order to take preventive measures against Coronavirus.
So, I asked him; do you know most churches did not know about the information that was released by the Minister of Health when some churches were already in service by 7:30 a.m.
Fail to plan is a plan to fail, as I learn; this information was passed by 8:25 a.m. Sunday while many people were in service. Not everyone got the information; you couldn’t implement the action on the same day while people are in service; that was a poor communication.
It is a good thing to share the preventive measures to the citizens to be aware of the danger, but ask God for wisdom. This was very simple, if this communication was going to be passed through the leadership of the church, Liberia Council of Churches or the Full Gospel Ministries Fellowship, they would have passed the information over to their various member churches and use the 21 days for fast and prayer on behalf of the country.
I encourage every citizens and foreigners to obey or exercise every good preventive measures laid down by MOH.
Why these things are happening; friends; stop wasting your time; only Jesus is the solution. Sin opens doors for the enemies to take over; the world have accepted a lot of things that provoke evil; you accepted same sex marriages, man marrying to man, also women marrying to women. You forget that you accepted transgender, man changing his male organ to female organ; you forget to warn the people stop having sex with dogs! Galatians 6:7; don’t be deceived. God is not mock for whatsoever a man sows yea shall he reap.
It is time to cry to God to forgive us for our evil deeds, human sacrifices, corruption, cannibalism, abortion, rape and leaders of nations who confessed they are serving God but consulting devils. There are more terrible things to come that will shock the world, because we are in perilous time. We are not sleeping churches, before Coronavirus. I prophesied in January during the First Sunday Service that the disease that will kill many around the world is coming; God showed me graves and told us to pray. Thousands of Liberians who listened to me again on the First Sunday of March where I prophesized can testify that I said another new virus will soon emerge. March has not even ended; it is now being reported that another virus called Hantavirus has been discovered in China and the prophecy came to pass.
Also, when I was in Jamaica early this year, as guest of Kingston, I prophesized about an earthquake that will take place in Jamaica, but no one was going to die; surely on the furthering week on Tuesday, while I was preaching, the earthquake took place. Bishop Grace AdeGold and Bishop Otis Mining are witnesses to this prophecy.
We are not a sleeping church. I am saying this to tell the world that all governments must work with the church with respect. Coronavirus is real, but more real is our God. How can a disease affect the entire world? There is a real message in this attack, though it is evil.
2 Chronicle 7:14, if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I, God will hear from Heaven and heal the land.
Liberians, you must go by all the preventive measures laid down by MOH, but the true answer is in crying to God. Example: when the Children of Israel were in bondage in Egypt, God did not answer until they cried to God. Exodus 3:7. The fourteen years war and Ebola virus disease that affected us, we prayed to God and He answered us. The same God will answer us again to redeem us from the Coronavirus.
Fear not! We pray for Italy, United States and the entire World.
In closing, I saw another thing that is about to happen in the world, a big leader is about to die which will shock the world. Let’s pray.

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