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Liberia Welcomes 9 New Ambassadors-Designate


Minister Sara Beysolow Nyanti on Monday July 15, 2024 welcomed several Ambassadors-designate to Liberia in a ceremonial event at the Foreign Ministry.
The gathering marked the commencement of their diplomatic missions in the country.
Their credentials will officially recognize them as Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Liberia.
The distinguished diplomats include Selma Ashipala Musavyi from Namibia; Tamas Endre Feher from Hungary; Edouard Nduwimna from Burundi; Pavel Bilek from the Czech Republic; Daniel Manhongo from Zambia; Dr. Usra Hendra Harahap from Indonesia; Ursula Fahringer from Australia; Veluppillai Kananathan from Sri Lanka and Saad bin Bakheat Al-Qathami from Saudi Arabia.
Minister Nyanti emphasized the significance of diplomatic relations and international cooperation, underscoring Liberia’s commitment to fostering strong bilateral ties with their respective countries.
“The arrival of the Ambassadors-designate is a testament to the enduring partnerships and shared values between Liberia and their nations,” Minister Nyanti stated, highlighting the importance of these diplomatic missions in strengthening global ties.
Following their meeting with Minister Nyanti, the Ambassadors-designate are scheduled to have separate audiences with President Boakai, where they will present their letters of credence, formalizing their new roles in Liberia.

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