Representatives from Government, private sector and other stakeholders from in the agriculture sector gathered today to celebrate the launch of the USAID Feed the Future Liberia Agribusiness Development Activity’s cash voucher scheme for distribution of quality rice seeds for 1,500 rice farmers in Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties.
LADA, a five-year million initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), consisted of a series of trainings, technical assistance and investment grants to support technology upgrade and streamlining of supply chains, increasing participation of women entrepreneurs, and boost domestic and international market access ultimately helping to make Liberia’s Rice, Cassava, Vegetables, Cocoa, and aquaculture more profitable and competitive.
As part of efforts to complement the Government of Liberia’s Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) priority to mitigate the risk of food security impact of the COVID-19 crisis, LADA distributes agricultural inputs to smallholder rice producers so that producers do not miss the ongoing production cycle during the COVID-19 pandemic. LADA targets approximately 1,500 food insecure and progressive rice producers in Bong, Nimba and Lofa Counties. The farmers received quality rice seeds through community agricultural input voucher fairs in partnership with the Government of Liberia’s Ministry of Agriculture.
Today, USAID launches the first Seeds distribution fair in Melekee, Jorquelleh District, Bong County. This event brought together public-private stakeholders including farmers, agro-dealers, processors, Government officials, and USAID Liberia.
Speaking on the occasion, Agriculture Minister Jeanine M. Cooper said “empowering smallholder farmers most especially during the coronavirus pandemic is essential to enable them overcome the economic shock of the virus as well as make Liberia reduce its dependence on rice imports..
“Although there are challenges confronting agriculture and food security, we are able as a country to produce our staple food to enable more food supply to many Liberians, especially the vulnerable households. We therefore thank USAID- LADA for buttressing government’s effort to distribute quality seed rice within our major rice producing counties. Farmers can now grow the rice and Government can assure them that the rice they produce will be bought at a reasonable price to supply the market”.