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Koijee Threatens Female Lawyer?


By Grace Q. Bryant
One of the defense lawyers representing defendant Gloria Scott’s alleged Murder case, Cllr. Kuku Dorbor, has accused Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Koijee, of making threatening remarks against her person while testifying in open court on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.
According Cllr. Dorbor, based on the interaction between her and one of defense lawyers, she noticed that Mayor Koijee was looking at her directly.
“Looking at people is another way of communication, so I asked him ‘why are you looking at me in this manner?’ and he responded that ‘we will see’, but I take it as a major threat,” she expressed.
She further explained that she raised her hand to bring Mayor Koijee’s behavior before the court, but Judge Roosevelt Willie did not give her the opportunity, but rather told her that she was disturbing.
“This is a royal case, and people’s lives are tied to it, and we are lawyers representing defendant Scott and her family, so our lives are also tied to this case,” she noted.
According to her, they have taken an oath to serve the nation, “so we have decided to offer pro-bono services to the defendants.”
“We know our lives have been threatened, so for the Judge to not protect me, I feel unsafe; it is good that my colleagues raised the issue and it was brought to the fore in another form and manner,” she narrated.
She added that her life is in Mayor Koijee’s hands, stating, “When I took the oath to become a lawyer, I took the oath to do the right thing, not to be threatened by someone.”
“This is why the CDC government has lost this election, because they are there to threatening people’s lives, but I will not take this for granted,” she assured.
“Koijee is not an ordinary person; if he was an ordinary person, he was not going to get sanctioned by the US Department, she further explained.
In total denial in open court, Mayor Koijee reacted, “Your Honor, I swear before you and God, let she and I drink the water, and if I said that to her, I should never exist.”

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