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Judge Wesseh Vows To Uphold Justice Honor


The recently assigned Circuit Judge of Maryland County, Wesseh Alphonsus Wesseh, has vowed his steadfast commitment to ensuring the fair and efficient administration of justice at the 4th Judicial Circuit Court in Harper.

Delivering his charge at the official opening of the November A.D. term of court in Harper, Judge Wesseh also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve the people of Maryland, and emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of justice.

“I am honored and humbled by the trust placed in me by the Her Honor Sie -A- Nyene G. Yuoh, Chief Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia. I pledge to carry out my duties with unwavering dedication, impartiality, and a commitment to the rule of law,” he expressed.

The opening of the November term of court is in fulfillment of section 3.8(1) of the new Judiciary Law of Liberia, which requires Circuit Court national to open for quarterly sessions on the second Monday in February, May, August, and November in each year.

Judge Wesseh, former Assistant Justice Minister for Litigation at the Ministry of Justice, further assured the public that he would diligently preside over cases and work to maintain the highest standards of the justice system.

“As we sit here today, in this hollow place, to reopen the doors of this court, for the November A.D. 2023 term of court, let me assure you, including party litigants and the general public, that as the judge assigned, to hold and preside over the administration of justice in this jurisdiction, I will do nothing to undermine the rule of law, despite my past orientation by association with the Ministry of Justice,” Judge Wesseh noted.

Judge Wesseh also pointed out that he will ensure at all times to scrupulously maintain the independence of the Judiciary branch of Government, “And I will not compromise the legal interests of those that seek the sweet taste of justice,” said Judge Wesseh.

The newly assigned Maryland judge used the occasion to call on citizens and residents of Maryland County in particular, and Liberians in general, to be cognizant with the rule of law and the administration of Justice, and not engage in unwholesome practices which are used for undermining the “adherence to the rule of law.”

He highlighted the importance of timely and equitable resolutions, fostering public trust in the judiciary.

The Seventh Judiciary Circuit Court in Maryland currently hosts 11 criminal cases and 46 civil cases in its docket pending court trial.

Legal professionals and members of Maryland Magistrate Courts, including human rights actors, attended the ceremony, expressing optimism about the positive impact Judge Wesseh is expected to bring to the 4th Judicial Circuit Court in Maryland.

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