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In Kailondo US$93,500 Case: Court Places Travel Ban On GT Bank Manager, Others


The Criminal Court ‘C’ has banned executives of Guaranty Trust Bank (GT Bank) Liberia Limited from traveling out of the bailiwick of Liberia.
The travel ban issued on Thursday, September 2, comes as a result of the commission of Theft of Property and Criminal Conspiracy levied against the management of the Bank.
In the court’s order, Judge Ousman Feika yesterday mandated the arrest of the Bank’s Managing Director, Ikenna Anekwe; Olush Alioh, Operations Manager; Prince Saye, Head of Corporate Bank and Jonathan Tae, Risk Manager; Comptroller and other Corporate Officers of the GT Bank thereby encouraging them to make their formal appearances before the said court.
The Writ of NE EXEAT REPUBLICA also instructed sheriffs of that court to take the respective passports of the within named individuals immediately upon their arrest and turn same over to that court.
The Criminal Court ‘C’s Writ further threatened to commit the defendants in common jail within Montserrado County should they fail to obtain a surety approved by the court.
On July 10, George Kailondo filed a lawsuit against GT Bank Liberia Limited accusing the Bank of stealing US$930,500 from his account.
According to the Liberian businessman, the monies were withdrawn from his account without his knowledge and in the lawsuit as filed for on September 9, 2014 and up to December 15, 2016, the within named defendants and others were said to have knowingly and criminally taken, defrauded, deprived and stolen some US$930,500 from Kailondo’s checking account.
Additionally, on June 3, 2021 the Grand Juror for Montserrado County indicted the defendants who are all executives of the bank but the court was hinted that the defendants are about to leave the bailiwick of the Republic to the surprise of the petitioner; an information which Judge Feika’s order for a Writ of NE EXEAT REPUBLICA was issued.

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