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Guest Speaker Discourages Early Marriage
…As Islamic School Graduates 55


By Precious D. Freeman
Musa Hassan Bility has urged graduates of the Seku Ibrahim Sheriff High School to focus on education rather than entering into marriage.
55 students graduated from the Muslim-doctrinated high school over the weekend from different departments including Language Arts; Life Sciences; Social Science and Arabic, among others.
Serving as the keynote speaker, the Chairperson and founder of the Bility Development Foundation advised the students to care about the growth of the community and not to care too much about getting into an early marriage.
According to him, in the Islamic community, it is said that marriage is the beginning to success but most of the young girls have suffered such rules, adding that that ideology needs to change.
Mr. Bility stated that it is necessary for parents to focus on educating their children especially the girls rather than forcing them into early and unwanted marriage.
“If we educate our girls and not forcing them into early marriage in ten years, the future of this religion will change; the outlook will be different and the school will also be proud of them” he intimated.
He added that it is the mandate of the parents in making sure that the girls are educated, protected and been taken care of to be allowed to pursue their dreams.
“Muslims are people that have wealth, so we should allow this money to work for us by building Islamic schools, educating our girls, as a form of worship which is the best thing to do,” he stated further.
Mr. Bility advised the graduates that their success in life should not be based on the improvement of government, but rather have to fight for themselves by making good friends and thinking big.
He then advised parents not to send their children into the world because they have graduated from high school. “This is just the beginning of their education,” Bility added.
Meanwhile, Mr. Bility has pledged US$10,000 towards the ongoing project, and also promised to sponsor the valedictorian to any level of education and any school of his choice.

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