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Gray Fulfills Promises To Bernard Quarter Community


By Precious D. Freeman

The Montserrado District 8 Representative, Acarous Gray, yesterday fulfilled his promise made to the Bernard Quarter Community by presenting the amount of US$ 3, 500 to them.

Addressing the press, Gray explained that during the weekend he attended an inaugural program of community leaders at the Bernard Quarter Community where he served as the Guest Speaker and made some promises.

According to him, there are 23 communities in his district and from those communities most of them have their leaders; some are elected while some are interns.

He continued that Bernard Quarter is one of the communities that have not had elected leadership for so many years, so he tried to get them prioritized which was not an easy task but they went through an election and at the end of the day those that won were invited to his office in order to fulfill his promise.

Gray furthered that he made the commitment by categories; first was the leader from the women group who was told that they will receive US$$1,000 equivalent to L$150,000 to start an initiative in the community and that when the initiative is carried on properly then he will add another L$150,000, making it L$300,000.

“The youths in the community spoke on the issues about sanitation and other-related issues, so I promised to give the youth leader US$1,000 which I am doing now, and then the chairman of the community that just got inducted into power, I promised him and his men US$1,000 which I am still doing,” he explained.

He added that the community also has the headquarters of a group of barbers in the community under the banner “Young Barber Association” and they have been creating jobs for themselves and other young people.

 “Yesterday when I saw them, I was very excited about that and I told the leadership that I was going to give them US$500 in order for them to get some of their barbing materials which I am also doing now,” Gray stated.

He advised them all to live in unison, and that it should not only be about the winner but it should be everyone that has won, and working with the community and making it go forward should be one of the priorities, without involving political attachment, lest try one’s best to do that because it is very important.

Meanwhile, all the various leaders that collected the money applauded Rep. Gray for fulfilling his promises and they all promised that the money given to them will be used for the intended purpose which will make him proud of them.

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