The Inquirer is a leading independent daily newspaper published in Liberia, based in Monrovia. It is privately owned with a "good reputation".

GAC On Transformation, Physical Infrastructure Development Training

The General Auditing Commission (GAC) is conducting a weeklong workshop in pursuit of Goal 5 of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan of the Commission regarding HR Transformation & Physical Infrastructure Development.

The Leadership Development Workshop, which began on Monday, June 13 and ends on Friday, June 17, 2022 and it is facilitated by a number of international experts under the auspices of AFROSAI-E, including lead facilitator Gorden Kondaro.

The Auditor General of Liberia has told senior level managers of the GAC in Monrovia that the training is intended for their professional development and continuity at the Commission.

 “Everybody in this training should consider himself/herself an important part of the GAC Management; your invitation means that you are one of those who will drive the agenda of the Commission and ensure that quality audits are delivered to the public so that resources that are deployed at different ministries and agencies are used for their intended purposes,” Auditor General P. Garswa Jackson, Sr. told about 40 participants.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Auditor General Jackson reminded his senior audit and administrative staff that to work at the GAC and be fully functional, they must build their knowledge and skills continuously, emphasizing that the Leadership Development Training will create an environment of opportunity to sit and discuss with expert facilitators complex matters surrounding the audit performance, as well as decision-making during and after audit processes, among others.

He craved their full participation as a way to understand and resolve critical leadership issues, noting that because of the complex environment in which the Commission operates couple with his succession plan, the GAC Management thought to organize the workshop.

 According to him, the GAC is charged with the responsibility of auditing the entire Government of Liberia which has several sectors and different institutions. “There will be people to be trained at the entity; I have no interest in staying in the position when my Seven Year-tenure expires,” the A.G indicated.

The Auditor General of Liberia commended the English-speaking African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASFROSAI-E) for the collaboration and the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) for its sponsorship of the on-going workshop.

He also reaffirmed a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the GAC and SNAO in the area of capacity-building, noting that to manifest such MOU, a delegation of two persons from SNAO should be in country to finalize priority areas of the Memorandum.

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