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For Selling Gov’t Property In Ganta City: LDEA, Supt. Korquoi Tussle Over Office Space


By Solomon T. Gaye Sr.
Tension is reportedly brewing between the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) and Superintendent Nelson Korquoi in the commercial city of Ganta in Nimba County.
Superintendent Nelson Korquoi who claimed to be the Governor and Chief executive appointed by the President of Liberia ordered the LDEA to vacate the government’s compound in three days on grounds that the LDEA disrespected the Gompa City Mayor Amos Suah and the county administration in Sanniquellie.
When this paper contacted LDEA headquarter in Ganta, it was disclosed that the Gompa City Mayor Suah allegedly sent two individuals to scrape the old military war tent without a communication from the office of Ganta City Corporation (GCC) so they were arrested and detained.
LDEA added that the suspects was detained by the LDEA and the Police so that the Mayor could clarify whether they were sent upon his instruction stressing, “We at the LDEA were protecting the government’s interest, but the Mayor complained us to Superintendent Korquoi that we disobeyed his order by refusing to allow the men scrape the war tent.
LDEA alleged that Superintendent Korquoi called in Master Sheriff, a Karate master working with the GCC to forcibly free the suspects from the Police withholding cell.
Police Commander Adolphus Zuah confirmed that Superintendent Korquoi went to the Police Station in Ganta forcibly released the suspects and took away the scraps that were under investigations on ground that Mayor Suah is the governor of Gompa and is clothes with the authority to sell any government property.
The Civil Compound in Ganta which paid host to the UNMIL during the UN peace mission in the country is now hosting members of the LNP, the Liberia Immigration Service and the LDEA.
On May 7, 2021 some suspected scrape dealers were again scraping the old military tent upon the order of the GCC but refused to say a word to the press.
The civil compound was turned over to GCC by the UNMIL Bangladesh troop with all of its important materials such as electrical wire, air condition, imported houses, irons, window glasses, iron poles and towel still intact on the compound but they are nowhere to be found presently.
Accusing fingers were being pointed at the former Gompa City Mayor, Ben Dokpa, who according to residents allegedly sold all the materials before leaving office but this is the second allegation linking Korquoi to scrape deals since he took over as superintendent from Dorr Cooper.
The joint security in 2020 seized a scrape container from some scrape dealers who were on their way to Monrovia, alleging that the scrapes belonged to Superintendent Korquoi and few minutes later, the superintendent ordered the release of the truck or container.
When this paper contacted the GCC in Ganta, its Administrative Assistant, Africano Dolo, explained that the LDEA disrespected Mayor Suah’s order to remove the old war tent though he denied the sale of the military war tent to the scrape dealers.
When this paper contacted Nimba County Attorney, John Miah, via mobile phone, he frowned at Superintendent Korquoi’s decision to throw the government State security out without first contacting the office of the County Attorney that represents the Ministry of Justice in the county.
He added that Superintendent Korquoi’s action is wrong especially when the LDEA in the county is bent on fighting crimes within that part of the country.

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