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For Mandating Child Pick “Pupu” In Bare Hands Woman, 32, Jailed


By Grace Q. Bryant
The Monrovia City Court has sent a 32 years old woman identified as Teta Samgblo to the South Beach Prison for the crime ‘Endangering The Welfare of A Child.’According to police, it was based upon a compliant from one Caroline Konto that defendant Samgblo was arrested and informed her of miranda rights, investigated and duly charged with the offense of Endangering the Welfare of a Child which violates Section 16. 4 of the New Penal Law.
The complainant said defendant Samgblo forced her eight years old child to pick his fecees with his bare hand to carry it at his own house.
Victim Alex Cheneken explained that on Saturday May 7, at about 2:00 P.M, he toileted behind defendant Samgblo’s house and narrated that the defendant’s son came and held him by his t-shirt while the defendant demanded him to pick his mess in his bare hands from her residence to his.
During Police preliminary investigation, defendant Samgblo admitted that she told the minor to clean his fecees and said apparently the child was afraid therefore, picked his pupu with his bare hands.
“Based upon the defendant’s admittance coupled with witnesses’ statements, the Women and Children Protection Section resolved to charge defendant Samgblo with the crime endangering child welfare,” the police concluded.

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