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War Crimes Court Debate Gains Steam In Senate …As SG Cephus Asked To Explain His Role; PYJ Goes Mute


Senator Prince Johnson, a former warlord goes mute as the debate for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court heats up in the Liberian Senate.
Though majority of the senators are driving towards restorative justice despite opposition outcry for prosecution and accountability but the cruel role exhibited by Senator Johnson and others during the civil upheaval remain a memoir in the minds of many.
Recently the leadership of the Liberian Senate which Prince Johnson is part of recommended several proposals to plenary as an advice on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) report on the War Crime Court issue.
Following the leadership’s report to plenary session, the Senate reached a decision to seek the public participation before endorsing advising President Weah regarding the said report.
The Senate conducted an internal debate on Tuesday but Prince Johnson was muted as if he was not in attendance.
The Nimba County senator ascended yesterday’s hearing which invited Solicitor General, Sayma Syrenius Cephus as an expert who also failed to explain his role during the civil crisis.
However, onlookers who have gone to the Senate to listen to Prince Johnson’s input in the decision or view on the establishment of said court following the expert’s account were seen murmuring.
In his expert opinion, SG Cephus who was the G2 Commander in the defunct National Patriotic Fund of Liberia (NPFL) said, the Traditional Justice Commission (TJC) as recommended by the Liberian Senate is the way to move Liberia into lasting peace and reconciliation.
Cllr. Cephus opined that the TJC as recommended by the Senate addressed what he called the brouhaha created by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Liberia.
“I support all of the recommendations proffered for the formation for the Traditional Justice Commission. I believe the TJC can address all of the contradictions in the TRC,” he said.
The Solicitor General asserted that the refusal for four commissioners to sign is an indication that TRC’s report created disrepute between the commissioners and insisted that the four commissioners must be probed to establish reason for the disrepute that propelled the commissioners to rebel and provide dissenting opinions.
According to him, as per the law, the seven commissioners should have signed the final product and if there is any reason that four commissioners refused to sign than it raises concern as to what caused the disagreement.
Senator Milton Teahjay of Sinoe County questioned the TRC report, noting that the very report stated gathered views from across country for the establishment of the War and Economic Court and 82.6 percent of that total number of people disclosed that they wanted restorative justice but contrary to the Liberians position, the commissioners called for retributive justice.
According to Teahjay, the decision by the TRC to alter requests given to him is sufficient reason to think that the TRC was established to chase or to hunt people they do not like.
Responding to Senator Milton Teahjay, the Solicitor said, “The TRC created disrepute amongst itself and it is time that the disrepute created be addressed- and that is why I said, TJC is the best way to proceed because in my opinion, the TJC addresses the TRC’s intricacies.”
Meanwhile, the opposition Alternative National Congress Chairperson and Gbarpolu County Senator, Daniel Naatehn said, an unknown person always sending messages threatening him were he to go against the citizenry who are calling for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court.
Making the disclosure Tuesday, Naatehn said unanimous texters warned him to increase his personal security because his failure to do what he should, they will come after him.”
The Senator who appeared frightened implored his colleagues to seek the public input before taking a decision on the War Crime Court issues.

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