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Estate Residents In Barnersville Praise Rep. Koon For Fencing Stadium


Residents and football enthusiasts of Barnesville Estate have paid tribute to District #11 Montserrado County Representative Richard Koon for financing the fencing of the Barnesville Estate sports pitch and described his action as a big enhancement of the estate soccer pitch.

One of such people is the president of the Barnesville Estate Old-timers football club Super BOSA and he paid tribute to Richard Koon for financing the fencing of the estate football pitch.

Counsellor Milton D. Taylor voiced that they as residents and members of the two famous old-timers teams in Barnesville BOSA and Super BOSA will always remember the lawmaker for financing the fencing of their only famous sports ground in the estate which he added would help to m make the field of play easier for athletes doing game times.

Cllr. Taylor said, “We as officials and members of BOSA and Super BOSA and residents of Barnesville Estate will always remember Honorable Koon for the number of supports he has made to people of this community and not only for the fencing of the field but he is also the sponsor of the ongoing 2023 edition of the Barnesville Estate and it’s environ Annual area league so again I’m please to say thank you to the Honorable for his continue supports for sports development in our community.”

Madam Yea Garty also described as a big boost for their children that are having passion for game of football and kickball and that it would help to keep their children within the vicinity of the field and it would help to stop spectators who are always in the habit of running on the playing pitch to cause problem doing game time.

Henry Jones extended thanks and appreciation to Honorable Koon for his financial contribution to sports development in the estate and called on them as youth that are having passion for sports especially football and kickball to always help to keep the field clean so that others will come in to follow his good example.

Madam Clara Zeway paid homage to Honorable Koon for his continue support to youth development especially in the sporting arena and described the Honorable sponsorship of the ongoing 2023 edition of the Barnesville Estate and it’s environ Annual area league and also the fencing of the estate soccer pitch as encouraging for youth skills development in the game of football and kickball and wished that others will follow his footstep.

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