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District 10 Women Pick Fight With Nyonblee
-Stage Solidarity Protest For Coker-Collins

Some residents under the banner “Concerned Citizens of District-10” is calling on Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence to publicly condemn the statement made against Minister-Designate Ruth Coker Collins by her colleague.
The women mainly residents and marketers from the Old Road Community said Sen. Karnga-Lawrence should also distance herself from insinuations made by Rep. Yekeh Kolubah against the Public Works acting Minister.
The District women’s bone with the Grand Bassa County Senator is that while she is conspicuously silent when she herself was a resident with them on the Old Road, recently, Rep Kolubah, in a Spoon Talk Show, signaled her out as one of his advisors who tells him when to speak or not.
According to the group, “Madam Coker Collins is not just a Minister but also hails from the Old Road, schooled there and even operated a business there; she is one of us and by extension, she is a daughter of a market woman and her humility, decency and upbringing are things we are very proud of and Old Road is proud of her.”
The women said Yekeh’s answer clearly reveals that the senator is behind his reckless outburst against their daughter Coker Collins noting, “We the people of District 10 are not taking his statement lightly and we hope Senator Lawrence will not do likewise; it’s time to stand up for women hand in hand, no matter where we stand politically.”
“If Sen. Karnga-Lawrence fails to distance herself and publicly condemn Rep. Kolubah, then you will be confirming our belief that you are in full support of the public disgrace brought upon us, women of Liberia as indicated on Spoon Talk Show by Rep. Kolubah,” the women maintained.
Meanwhile, the women have also called on their representative to retract his statement immediately and threatened “Or else, we will begin moving from house to house, door to door and one market table to the other on Old Road to canvass against him.”
The group of residents from District 10 mainly women yesterday staged what appeared to be a peaceful protest against their Representative for reportedly raining insults at Public Works Minister-designate.
In a press statement, a copy of which is in the possession of this paper states; “We have gathered here today to categorically state our position and to show solidarity with the Minister designate of the Ministry of Public Works, Mrs. Ruth Coker Collins who was insulted, disrespected and maligned by ex-rebel general, Yekeh Kolubah now Representative of District 10, Montserrado County”.
“For us, the insult rained on Minister Collins is not just about her but an insult against the women of Liberia. Culturally, when you insult a girl child you have insulted all women. Rep. Kolubah, as traditionally as he thinks of himself, has insulted the women of Liberia,” they intimated.
“We mothers of Old Road are proud that she did not allow these dusts to hold her down; this market sent her to school till she ascended to working with the United Nations as well as serving as president, Female Engineering Society of Liberia amongst other high-profile roles. Old Road has over the years made great sons and daughters except this woman abuser Yekeh Kolubah,” the statement said.
In a disdainful manner, the group said, “We are very ashamed, that a Representative of our district who we supported and campaigned for will choose to denigrate one of the proud daughters of Old Road in the plenary of the House of Representatives. This is highly regrettable and unacceptable.”

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