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Dillon Heads Senate Sports Committee


Grand Kru County Senator, Albert Chie, has appointed Montserrado County Senator, Abraham Darius Dillon to head the Senate’s Committee on Youth and Sports, a committee Senator George Manneh Weah now President of the Republic of Liberia chaired.
The Senate’s latest decision was posted by the Senator Dillon’s Political and media relations Officer, Abel Plackie.
The appointment is in line with the Senate Rule #15(2) of the Standing Rules of the Liberian Senate.
In the letter dated August 4, 2021, Pro-temp Chie expressed happiness in Senator Dillon’s ability to serve well. Adding, “We believe you will do your best to justify the confidence we, senators, have reposed in you,” Pro-temp Chie indicated.
According to the former Deputy Presidential Spokesperson, as Chair on Youth and Sports, Senator Dillon will have oversight on the Ministry of Youth and Sports, athletics and organizations, youths and student organizations including all other organizations and agencies having statutory fiduciary responsibilities and advocacy programs for effective youth development and participation; formulation and implementation of national policies and programs in the area of oversight; and any other matter referred by Pro-tempore and leadership or Senate Primary.
The committee within the scope of its oversight responsibility shall also conduct surveys, investigations, hearings, and debates as part of committee room activities for the purpose of distilling public and expert concerns, opinion and interest on matters requiring legislative actions.

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