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Deacon Brown Foundation
Identifies With Several Liberians


A US based organization, the Deacon Telee Brown Foundation has identified with several Liberians through the donation of several bags of 25kg rice in observance of the festive season in Montserrado County.
In extension of its donation, the organization also fed scores of Liberian children in Klay District, Bomi County with hot meals, while others were also seen walking away with the donated items.
The Deacon Telee Brown Foundation is a non-for-profit humanitarian organization that is heavily involved in charitable services as well as meeting the needs of the ordinary citizens for which it has afforded series of opportunities to Liberians in every sector of the country.
Some of the charitable services being undertaken by the foundation since its establishment are the awarding of full academic scholarships for underprivileged children, the donation of Covid-19 preventive materials to some Liberians, donation of chorister’s gowns to some churches and the provision of food items to needy people in Liberia among others.
Presenting the items during a brief program organized by the Pastor of the God’s Power Ministries International (GPMI) in Kpanwen Community, Lower Johnsonville, the Executive Director of the Deacon Telee Browne Foundation, Deacon Telee Browne stated that the gesture is his organization’s own way of sharing the blessings God shared with mankind by sending his son Jesus Christ for the remittance of one’s sin.
According to him God did not only send his son to save us from troubles and transgressions, but instead to also bless his people financially and morally, as such, such blessings must be manifested by everyone sharing with their fellow men.
He added, “It is our way of sharing the blessings God has shared with us by sending his son (Jesus) to bless and save us from our troubles. So, we from the Deacon Telee Brown Foundation see this as an obligation and commandment by God and have decided to use this day to put smiles on the faces of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.”
In response to the gestures, the Overseer and Pastor of the Ministry, Susan M. Browne lauded the head of the Foundation for the donation of rice to her members and other community residents, emphasizing, “Though this is not the first of such gesture benefited by my Ministry from this Foundation; we see this as a blessing and it is something commendable because it also benefited members of other communities.”
“Nothing makes me happier than seeing these children and their parents having food to eat for the festive season. We have motherless, fatherless children and we also have widows, helpless and needy children here and some of us were even thinking of how they would eat, but not knowing God had prepared this organization to be a blessing in solving our worries and with this, all I can say is that we are grateful,” she added.
Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, a lady identified as Zoe Gbelee lauded the Foundation for remembering their Ministry and members during the festive seasons, noting, “I was so impressed when I heard that people from overseas have located our Ministry, then I knew that the God we are serving, is a God of time, and I am thankful to our overseer who prayed and God answered speedily.”

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