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Corruption Rocks 1st UMC?


The First United Methodist Church (UMC) in Monrovia is reportedly rocked with corruption as US$16, 000 out of over some US$23, 000 raised for the purchase of land to be used as cemetery for church members cannot be accounted for.

However, the pastor who is at the center of the allegation reacted sharply by calling on any member of the media to conduct an audit of his administration so as to clear himself and set the church record straight.

Pastor Julius Williams said if the media or whoever in the church is serious about any gossip relating to misappropriation of the church’s fund, he or she should hire auditor(s).

He claimed that the allegation levied against him and others is far from the truth but to satisfy the assertion, a comprehensive audit could be the only remedy to put the matter to rest
The accuser, Daniel Fassa, also a member of the church, to lay the allegation to rest internally, he claimed that he wrote the church council chairperson and the bishop regarding the matter but is yet to get a retort.

He said instead of the pastor being concerned with the salvation of mankind, he has been bent on advocating for the purchase of land to be use as cemetery for member who will die while he (Fassa) along with other members kicked against it.

Fassa indicated that of the over US$23, 000 including over L$100, 000 raised from pledges and donations towards that project, documents are reporting only US$7, 000 while about US$16, 000 is in limbo which is causing mental anguish to members; especially those who are already against such project.

The allegations of corruption in churches and mosques in the country is not a strange happening especially when comes to money.

Sources inside the church told this paper how an alleged US$78, 000 involving either a bishop or pastor could not be accounted for prior to this recent development but that seems to have either been compromised if not already in court.

The above-mentioned development is not only unique to the First United Methodist Church as there are several churches and mosques where bishops or pastors as well as Imams are always at the center of corruption.

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