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Construction Companies Frustrate Public Works


Public Works Minister Ruth Coker-Collins expresses disappointment and frustration with construction companies hired or awarded contracts for road construction.

She vowed to forward their names to the Justice Ministry for prosecution any moment this week.

She said seven Liberian construction companies, including Future Builder and New Desire, reportedly received payments for their work, as stipulated in the contractual agreements signed between them and the Public Works Ministry, but regrettably, have not lived up to expectations.

Some of these contracted companies failed miserably, in terms of their ability to satisfactorily perform by doing proper and up-to-standard work, while others who might have received payments for their contract did not honor their side of the contract, as their whereabouts seem not to be known.

Coker-Collins made these comments when she and her two Principal Duties and Assistant Ministers of the Ministry appeared before the Senate last Thursday, July 20 on “contempt charges” which led them to nearly being placed behind bars, but fortunately, they were granted relief.

She said some of those construction companies dishonored their contractual agreements, having gotten payment to have the work done, which has brought an embarrassment not just to the Ministry, but the government, despite the President’s assurance that Liberians will not be spectators in their own economy.

However, following tongue lashes from Senators, Coker-Collins and her team were reprimanded with the mandate to improve all roads going to the southeastern region of the country ahead of the general elections in October of this year.

She has also been mandated to do a comprehensive report of all contractual agreements reached with those Liberian construction companies and submit same to the Senate within 3 weeks.

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