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CEMESP Begins Five Days Training Journalism


The Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding (CEMESP), in collaboration with Cities Alliance Liberia with funding from the European Union has begun a five-day intensive training workshop in Monrovia under the theme, “Delivering Climate Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, through Community Based Enterprises.”
The training which began on Wednesday targets 20 journalists who have demonstrated interest in reporting on environmental issues through their reports and will last for three days, while the last two days will bring together instructors from twenty Cities Alliance partner High Schools with existing environmental clubs in the Greater Monrovia area.
Malcolm Joseph, the Executive Director of CEMESP in opening remarks said under the project, his institution is expected to implement six key activities including a cleanup campaign and awareness in the Greater Monrovia areas (MCC & PCC) and Community forums in 10 communities in the municipalities in Greater Monrovia, Journalism training, Peer to Peer sensitization campaign.
CEMESP will also, design and launch a competition targeting high schools and youth in communities in Greater Monrovia and organize joint actions on World Earth day and world environment day.
Mr Joseph also expressed hope that after the training the journalists “will be equipped with the required skills” they need to report effectively on waste management and the environment.
On Feb 2, 2021, CEMESP was awarded a six months Contract by the United Nations Office for Projects (UNOPS). The project titled, “Consultancy Assignment to Provide Advocacy, Awareness, and Journalists Training Services is being funded by the European Union through Cities Alliance Liberia Country Program.”
The Journalists training workshop which is being held on iCampus, on Carey Street in Monrovia is the first of activities to be implemented by CEMESP under the contractual agreement ..
Journalist Frank Seinworla who is–Managing Editor of the Public Trust Media Group and Development Planning consultant- Foley Pusah are the lead facilitators at the training.
Making remarks on behalf of City Alliance, the head of Outreach and Education Yondeh Moore said the idea behind the training sterns from the fact that journalists are not versed with terminologies used in reporting on solid waste management and the environment.
She said City Alliance and partners took on studies concerning Microfinance, Capacity Building, Awareness Education, and a Pilot Project that informed these outcomes.
“Going forward,” she said, “we hope to have reporters in the greater Monrovia area developed their capacities concerning solid waste management and climate resilience journalism”.
Mrs. Moore highlighted the essential threat of global warming and climate change before she emphasized that “we cannot continue to deny the science associated climate change which is evident by changing weather pattern”.
Waste management, which is the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage by treating sewage and other waste substances have become a daunting task for city governments throughout Liberia, which this CEMESP training hope to address from a journalism perspective through the presentation of a mix of subject matters that will best serve to help Liberian readers and listeners understand the real problems and applicable solutions, Madam Moore said.
The twenty selected journalists in the training are expected to embark on the publication of various articles on the environment, solid wastes, waste products, sludge, special wastes, and advanced techniques adapted to deal with the Environmental effects and problems.
The Executive Director of CEMESP Malcolm Joseph also committed that his institution will ensure that the Press Union of Liberia includes in its award, a special prize or award for the most outstanding journalist who dedicates his time and commitment t to reporting on the environment.

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