Ahead of the ensuing 2023 legislative and presidential elections, the ruling CDC the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has renewed its commitment to work together as a team to retain President George Manneh Weah.
The political marriage comprises the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah, the National Patriotic Party (NPP) of Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, and the Liberia Democratic Party (LPDP) of former House Speaker J. Alex Tyler.

Addressing partisans, Mulbah Morlu, National Chairman of the coalition for Democratic Change made the revelation at well-a- attended political rally held at the CDC’s headquarters in Congo town over the weekend.
In statement consummating the renewal, the party said, its decision is in recognition of the tremendous development gains made by CDC-led government under President head of the governing coalition.
The party noted that the national Executive Committee of the Coalition its remains committed to fulfilling the solemn promises that inspired into existence the coalition for Democratic Change;
Acknowledging the persistent efforts of the CDC led government in the delivery of basis social services, good governance , genuine national reconciliation, accountability , national infrastructural development, respect for fundamental and inalienable human rights enshrined in the constitution of Liberia;
“In further recognition of the Weah-led government’s laudable efforts in the provision of employment opportunities for ordinary citizens, especially where it has sustained the delivery of basic social services to our people in many key areas, including healthcare, education and agriculture;
Realizing that the impressive achievements of the Weah-led government and the enabling democratic space it has ascertained; it a watershed moment for our country, an opportunity we have embraced as patriotic and institutional imperative to support its continuity;
Cognizant that our collective support for the reelection of the Weah-led government is in the supreme cause of the great people of Liberia in whose interest of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) is successfully implemented,” the Coalition chairman Mulbah Morlu stated.
Following the reading the document renewing commitment, Morlu informs party’s stalwarts to work rigorously in every nook and corner of Liberia to ensure that President Weah reelection is imperative-using what the CDC-led Government has done in five years despite the global economic meltdown that is affecting the world.
He told the party officials; “ We are not saying everything is perfect but we have come to say we are happy because where we were five years ago, we have moved forward and nobody in history would have done better than George M. Weah five years’ experience as president of Liberia”.
Morlu said President George reelection is possible because under his leadership as president of Liberia, lives have been transformed, communities have been changed, counties have been impacted, the Pro-Poor, the transparency and developments are all on course and it is succeeding.
“We say thank you to the Liberian people for being gracious to president Weah. We are not a perfect party, as we ought to be, we are not saying we done everything perfectly because some of you have been offended, and some of the offensives were and are not intentional”
“We as a party, take responsibility and ask for forgiveness and implored you to join onboard because President George Weah re-election is revolutionary and patriotic that we must do together as one.
Morlu also said, “Those that will criticize you, will do so because they envy the progress we made as a party because we had done more in a short period of time and they know that it is on that basis of that progress our re-election will be based”.
At the same time, while the party is rallying people, “We should not be selfish to think that we can rally people alone, we need to build a broad-based coalition of the will of good and patriotic people who are determined to support a just cause. We must reach out, do not perceive any group of Liberians as your enemies because there are people in other parties that want to come to you and join your cause.
He said Liberia’s problems are approximately 174 years old, but the Weah-led government has started solving them step by step, block by block, county by county, city by city, village by village noting that “We will get there because we are determined to do it”.
To achieve this, the party calls on everyone to begin work collectively and mobilize all efforts as men or women and children of the party to stand together in strength.