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Mary Broh Faces House Tomorrow
-For Allegedly ‘Whipping And Handcuffing’…
By Bill W. CooperThe head of the Citizens Engagement Board (CEB), Madam Mary Broh and team will tomorrow face members of the House of Representatives over allegations of whipping,!-->…
Who’s In Charge At NPP?
It appears that the National Patriotic Party (NPP) of former President Charles Taylor's political impasse is far from ending as the party's National Executive Committee has reportedly!-->…
Gongloe Hits 2023
Presidential List
…Accepts Petition
Counselor Tiawan Saye Gongloe has accepted a petition from fellow Liberians to contest the country's presidential elections in 2023 perhaps on the ticket of the Liberian People's Party!-->…
Fewer Public Officials
Declared Assets
…GC Boss Alarms
The Officer In-Charge, Governance (GC), Elizabeth W. Dorkin, has expressed frustrations stating that up to date, some Public Officials have not declared their assets since they were!-->…
Police Arrest Criminal Gang Lead,
Others In Duala Market Shoot Out
By Grace Q. BryantThe Liberia National Police (LNP) has sent Emmanuel James Alias Ekweand 10 others to court for allegedly leading some criminals in an attack with the joint security and!-->…
University Of Liberia Again
By Precious D. FreemanNormal learning activities at the State-run University came to a standstill yesterday as the University of Liberia Faculty Association (ULFA) announced a disengagement!-->…
MICAT, Partners Validate Investment Guide
The Ministry Of Information Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) has validated the Tourism Investment Guide and Brochure aimed at improving the industry.In a workshop yesterday at the!-->…
British Envoy, Deputy Chief of
Mission Tour Wonegizi Forest
The UK Ambassador to Liberia, Neil Bradley says Liberia is very special to the world because its forest remains critical to the health of the entire planet given the rich biodiversity it!-->…
Girls Alliance Wants Gov’t
Prioritize Fighting Crimes
…Commemorates Angel…
By Bill W. CooperThe Girls Alliance for Future Leadership (GALF) has expressed with concerns about the level of insecurity in the country.The group is calling on the Liberian government to!-->…
Lawmaker Wants Increment
In LDEA Budget Sustained
Representative Thomas A. Goshua has called on his colleagues to consider an increment of US$300,000 in the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) budget in the 2022 Draft National Budget!-->…